my friends think im crazy



  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    I agree. i will try to be less vocal on my calorie counting..and JUST DO IT! actions speak louder than words. thanks for the advice everyone
  • It's YOUR body, YOU get to choose what goes in it. If people are being unmotivational just say "Hey I know you think you are helping, but you really aren't and I would appreciate if you kept those comments to yourself". Be diplomatic about it, but dont just let them walk all over you and submit.


    Keep focused, you can do this!
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    You sound a lot like me :)

    I'm 5'6", was 150 and flabby, now 142 and somewhat-less-flabby (I lost 4.5 inches off my midsection, not too shabby?). I've love to lose a few more inches, and it'd be nice to be under 140, since I'm pretty small framed, but we'll see.

    As a fellow sushi lover, there are a couple things I do to try and still fit that kind of thing in my diet. I plan sushi days for when I already know I'm going to have a good workout. I stop eating before I'm completely full (is it just me, or is sushi one of those foods where it's so easy to stuff yourself and not realize until after?). I get some sushi, but also some soup/salad (something low calorie). I also accept that not every day is going to be perfect, and that if the occasional excess of calories with sushi (or ice cream, hahah) keeps me happy, I just can't bring myself to worry about it too much

    As for friends... well, I'll tell them what I'm doing if they ask, but generally I don't advertise that I'm counting calories. If you don't spend your whole meal on the phone entering your foods, it's fairly likely that no one will even really notice that much. Just say that you're trying to make some better food choices (I'm not a fan of the word "diet," but I that's just a preference) and let it go.

    And as for the boyfriend, we eat the same stuff a lot, I just watch my portions. His mindset is to make something and divide it in half -- sorry, guy, you're 1.5x my size, we don't eat the same. Just the way it is.

    Best of luck!