Trying again!

Hello all,

I have been on MFP off and on for about the last 3 years. It is time for me to be more on than off again. I have that stubborn last 5-10 lbs ( depending on the day) to lose and I need to tone up. The more friends the better, so please add me.

A little about me, just turned 40 and I have 3 children, 17, 14, and 12. I am 5'1" and happily married. That's about it, I just need a little extra push!


  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm trying to get back in after taking almost 4 months off. I could use the extra support as well!
  • starryeyedsnoozer
    starryeyedsnoozer Posts: 89 Member
    Yep me too! This is 3rd time lucky for me! I'm also a mum of 3 and I weighed myself after the holidays and I've gained about 8!! I'm now on day 2 of being 'good' :0) Looooonnnnnng way to go!
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    Open to support if you need it. You can do this!!!
  • jhenders68
    jhenders68 Posts: 3 Member
    Happy to provide support-I'm in a similar boat... Just starting again.