New Initiative At Work

catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
My workplace started a new initiative to get employees to get moving and to promote a healthier lifestyle. We get an extra half hour at lunch time to use specifically for going to the gym, or any kind of fitness activity like going for a walk or taking a class. And we get paid for that time. This is of course, work load dependant, so it's up to us to self-monitor and determine whether we have time in the day.

I am surprised how few take advantage, I think it's great and an excellent way to destress mid-day.


  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Wow I wish everyone did that, that's awesome. Where do you work?!!! lol
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I work for the transplant program at my local hospital, so a very health conscious workplace!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Wow, I'm so jealous, that's such a good idea!

    I work at the University and our students keep bringing us cakes and sweets, we have had to store a few boxes of chocolates in the filing cabinets as we have so much at the moment!
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    thats a brilliant idea!! i work in HR so might even steal it .... must do a cost comparison :)
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    thats a brilliant idea!! i work in HR so might even steal it .... must do a cost comparison :)

    Since it started in my office (small workplace, only 30 of us) we have cut sick time by almost 20% in about 8 months.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    that's a noble sentiment, is anyone taking the lead on this? By that I mean, is there anyone leading activities, forums for better health, discussions?

    At my company we do something called "Lunch and Learns". While these (right now) are business focused, I plan on requesting from my HR department the opportunity to do Q & A Lunch and Learns for health and wellness, I'll let you know how it turns out, but it would be a good suggestion for you guys too I think. There are lots of low impact "just to get moving" type activities that could be done to take advantage of this great program.
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    Thats awesome Catherine. Its a great way to get people up and moving. I wish we had something like that here, but with an office of 4 its not happening lol Good luck!
  • I also work for the hospital & we do something similar. We have healthy walks around the grounds during a lunch time & have Health Motivators on site that are available for staff to access to discuss changes in lifestyle, stopping smoking, healthier diets etc.

    It's a brilliant idea!!:happy:
  • TC318
    TC318 Posts: 8
    I also work for a hospital. We are currently having a competion between departments called the Weigh Down. We get points for exercising and attending various exercise and nutrition classes. It has been alot of fun. It also helps that you have coworkers to support each other. So far my department is in the lead--go Learning Center!!!!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Wow! That is a great idea. We have gyms where I work but only those who work a 24-hour work day (I'm in public safety) get to use them while working. The 40-hour employees can use them before or after work and during out lunch break but cannot go over the 30 minutes provided. I workout in a gym before work to destress before the day begins! :smile: Believe me; I really need it some days!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    that's a noble sentiment, is anyone taking the lead on this? By that I mean, is there anyone leading activities, forums for better health, discussions?

    At my company we do something called "Lunch and Learns". While these (right now) are business focused, I plan on requesting from my HR department the opportunity to do Q & A Lunch and Learns for health and wellness, I'll let you know how it turns out, but it would be a good suggestion for you guys too I think. There are lots of low impact "just to get moving" type activities that could be done to take advantage of this great program.

    There is really no one leading this, it was my former boss who initiated the program and had it approved by upper management and HR. We are currently, to my knowledge, the only department doing this in an organization of over 10 000 staff and volunteers.

    We have Lunch and Learns every week, usually medicine-focused, but I'm wondering too if we could do some lifestyle LNLs. Historically this organization has had poor turnout for healthy living initiatives.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Wow, I'm so jealous, that's such a good idea!

    I work at the University and our students keep bringing us cakes and sweets, we have had to store a few boxes of chocolates in the filing cabinets as we have so much at the moment!

    Perhaps you could drop a few "well placed hints" that what the staff would REALLY appreciate is a few fruit baskets.... lol
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