OMG! I am having a hard time with this right now!! At work everyone is going to Arby's and when I go in and check all the calories it is OUTRAGEOUS!! So is this how its going to be, I have to go eat Subway all the time because the calories everywhere else are just to much! HELP I am feeling flustered!!


  • pjwest11391
    pjwest11391 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am having the same problem, it seems like all I have been eating is Subway :(
  • Thats what my sister in law said is all she would eat! I don't want to have to live life with just subway! My other friend said to try to do stuff Gluten free also.. have you ever heard of that for weight loss?
  • monileen
    monileen Posts: 7 Member
    A JR ham and cheese is only 210 calories...
  • I know the jr roast beef is not that bad either but what about my fries and stuff! I have got to be strong, I have got to be strong!!!
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    Seriosuly, eat some Arby's, figure out how to work it into your macros. The chicken tenders have 230 calories, 17g carbs, 17g protein. How come you can't eat that?
  • Texgal9816
    Texgal9816 Posts: 28 Member
    I guess it just depends on what you want to spend calorie wise on your lunch. There are a few things there under 300 calories of course that's not with fries. You don't have to always eat at subway you probably just need to plan ahead. Hang in there!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    Subway can easily set you back 1000 calories for a 6 inch and chips.
  • lolo641
    lolo641 Posts: 33 Member
    Yes you do have to be strong !!!!!! It is hard sometimes , but you can do it .. Just visualize yourself in a few months , at the beach or buying clothes in a smaller size . and how good that will feel . That's what I try to do .. Good luck.. Stay strong .:smile::smile:
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Just eat the Arby's and make wise food decisions the rest of the day. No need to get "flustered"
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Is it possible to bring your lunch? That gives you control of what you are eating and will eliminate any feelings of flusteredness you may be experiencing
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    Fast foods are for the most part...NOT good for you. If you eat there, you have to be careful, but it can be done. For me, fries are completely OUT. After a bit, you learn how to adjust. Any time I go out, I drink water for instance. If I know I'm going fast food, I check nutrition out before, so I know what I can afford to eat. Remember...for a while you really do have to CHANGE the way you eat....The results are woth it...I'm down 4 jean sizes.
  • Don't limit yourself; you don't have to eat Subway every day. What other quick restaurants are nearby your work? There are healthy choices at most places (even Mcdonalds, shh...) Give me a quick list and I'll research for ya'!!

    Don't give up; you're doing great.

  • Wendywasilewski
    Wendywasilewski Posts: 6 Member
    I know its not as fun, but their chopped salad is not a bad option...
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    Is it possible to bring your lunch? That gives you control of what you are eating and will eliminate any feelings of flusteredness you may be experiencing

    I second this. Or, if there's a microwave, while not the best option, lean cuisine type meals can help w/staying in the calorie limit. Best of luck to ya.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    The more sinister thing is that the calorie counts on those fast food menus often UNDER value the calorie counts by an average of 20%, and some of the low calorie menu options have have double or triple the calorie counts in them.

    Yes, it's true, there is no real way to sustain a cut on fast food. It's made to taste good while being quick to prepare. If you want something that tastes good that ISN'T fast, I mean if you couldn't perform that action in your kitchen, you can be pretty sure that the minimum wage worker won't do it either.

    I vote either to bring your lunch, or skip that meal alltogether and make up for those calories later =)
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I deal with it too. You need more options. Even if you get salad from fast food it isn't wonderful for you. Look at other places around you like Mom and Pop places if you can't pack foods or go to a local grocery store and get some things for you to eat. I keep a stash at work so that I don't give in.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Can't you bring your own healthy lunch to work?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    If I eat fast food, I usually order the kids meal. Then I get some fries and it's not as many calories as "adult" portions.

    And at McDonald's you even get apple slices. :happy:
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    The first thing to remember is you can always find a way to fit something into your calories. Remember Subway EVERYDAY isn't great for you because it is high in sodium, especially the lunch meats, and if you had cheese it will up your fat content.

    I work at a job where they go out to eat a lot as well. Do what I do, enjoy your home-made lunch. Bring in something healthy. Working at a job where people go out to eat a lot is easy to get around. Plus they are spending unnecessary money on food, save your money and bring lunch :) If you want to go out with your coworkers, that's great, but remember everything processed in moderation!
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    Thats what my sister in law said is all she would eat! I don't want to have to live life with just subway! My other friend said to try to do stuff Gluten free also.. have you ever heard of that for weight loss?

    You don't have to stick to Subway....I promise if you choose wisely you can find options anywhere. If I go to Subway, I have to say no to the chocolate chip macadamia nut there are temptations everywhere.