Regaining motivation

Looking for a perspective that will kickstart me.

I started in Feb last year at 276 (whoa!). I'm 5'11.

I basically have a 30 year track record of not being able to stick to stuff like getting into shape.. so the fact I'm still sort of at it after almost a year is a surprise.

I started working out, eating *better*, counting calories, and trying to be good. I lost weight pretty well, but I got stuck for MONTHS between 255-260. Three months ago I broke the barrier finally and got down to 249 briefly. Since then the holidays have taken their toll, and here I sit -- almost a year later! -- at 262.

I know what needs to be done.. but after ultimately only losing ~14lbs in a year I'm pretty demotivated. Just looking for some tips, tricks, what-have-you to get my s**t back into gear. Thanks!


  • emmaroid1981
    emmaroid1981 Posts: 45 Member
    I track every little item that I eat. I am so strict with my food intake it. I see it as my own personal challenge, I dont do it for anybody but myself. My motivation is simply watching those scales say less each week, even if it is only a small loss. I have got stuck at certain weights and found my best way to kickstart my weight loss is to change my diet plan. If I find counting calories isn't doing it for me anymore I will go onto weight watchers for a bit. They say sometimes you gotta give your metabolism a scare. I now do a workout video every day called Insanity and this seems to be doing it for me as well as watching those calories. xx
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    Log everything for a while to get used to it and form a habit. Maybe start some strength training to kick start your loss. Just find a way to make it part of your daily life. For me it was easier to not really change anything diet wise and just eat less. If I eat a big meal I plan smaller meals for the rest of the day. Thinking about healthy meals and setting up something you can stick to is key. If you change your diet too much it may be hard to stick with over the long haul. just my 2 cents
  • Icaw
    Icaw Posts: 58 Member
    This article is simple and seems almost like common sense but it truly kicked my *kitten* into line when I read it a year ago. Eating at your BMR is so much easier and I find that I lose weight much faster by doing so.

    I think moderation and a lifestyle change are far easier to live with than dieting. I love food and will always love food. I have still managed to lose weight and keep it off.

    Best of luck!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I hit a low of 221 in Dec, and am at 225 atm. Sucks but it's life. You can expect more life things to happen, so learn to roll with it.
    Regroup - get your bearings, look at what youre doing right now and prep yourself for recommitting.
    Reevaluate - Figure out where you were, where you are, where you want to be. What worked for you, what didnt?
    Reorganise - Take what worked and make a new plan, one that you can LIVE with.
    Recommit - Redevote yourself to your health. Stop making excuses and start finding reasons.

    This is MY 4 step plan for success this year. What's yours?