Running with Orthodics in my shoes?

I have pretty severe arthritis in my feet and have to wear orthodics. Last night at the gym I tried running for the first time in like 15 years ( NSV for me). It felt good and I enjoyed it, but when I first got these inserts the DR. said "these are good for daily wear but I wouldn't run in them" and then offered to make me a pair for running and added "but your insurance won't cover them" so I guess my question is this, is he just trying to make some more money or is there really a difference?


  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
  • feebz36
    feebz36 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey there! Im a prosthetist orthotist. Your othoses will be made to fit your shoes and so if your trainers are a different shape, they might not fit. Also when you run, your feet are in a different position to when you are walking, so if the purpose of your FO's is to offload pressure then they might not work as well during the running period. You can always give it a go and see how you get on? Please dont take this as any kind of medical advice as to really help you would need to see someone, just some ideas from someone who knows a bit about it!