HRM-All the info I can get...Go!!!

Ok so I am thinking about purchasing a FT4 but I want to make sure it is not hard to use because I am not good with complicated electronics. My questions are:

1. Are the chest straps uncomfortable? & Do they have like a wire or something that attaches to the watch?
2. How do they keep count of the calories burned total if you stop and go during your workouts?
3. The ones that do NOT have the chest strap-Are they as accurate?
4. What would you recommend as one that is easy to use but accurate?

Thanks to all in advance who reply to this :flowerforyou:


  • lhatt83
    lhatt83 Posts: 33 Member
    The polar chest straps are very comfortable. You don't even realize you are wearing it. They have a small electronic device that snaps on to the strap and it communicates wirelessly with your watch.
    I would not recommend getting a HRM without a chest strap. They are not nearly as accurate. The chest strap will take a continuous reading of your heart rate and calculate calories burned based on that.
    I have a Polar FT40 and I love it.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Ok so I am thinking about purchasing a FT4 but I want to make sure it is not hard to use because I am not good with complicated electronics. My questions are:

    1. Are the chest straps uncomfortable? & Do they have like a wire or something that attaches to the watch?

    No, they are not uncomfortable, and there is no wire, they transmit info from the transmitter to your watch by wireless whatever.

    2. How do they keep count of the calories burned total if you stop and go during your workouts?

    There is a pause feature if you need to stop exercising for several minutes, other than that, it records your constant heart rate, and will go up or down depending on intensity and movement.

    3. The ones that do NOT have the chest strap-Are they as accurate? NO

    4. What would you recommend as one that is easy to use but accurate?

    Polar FT4 or FT7 is by far the best brand. Very accurate and affordable. Easy to use.

    Thanks to all in advance who reply to this :flowerforyou:
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    1 . Not uncomfortable
    2 . You can pause it easily with a touch of a button
    3 . No
    4 . FT4
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    My 2 cents...

    1. Are the chest straps uncomfortable? - Not to me. & Do they have like a wire or something that attaches to the watch? - I use a bluetooth HRM.

    2. How do they keep count of the calories burned total if you stop and go during your workouts? - it's tracking your heart rate so it will keep tracking until you stop it.

    3. The ones that do NOT have the chest strap-Are they as accurate? - No, not as accurate as the chest strap.

    4. What would you recommend as one that is easy to use but accurate? - I'm a tech head so i use the Wahoo BlueHR which is a bluetooth HRM that connects to my iPhone.

    Good luck!
  • The simple ones are the best because you just press start then press stop when you have finished. If you stop and go during, that is fine, because your heart rate won't go back to normal straightaway unless you are some kind of elite athlete.

    A PT friend of mine told me not to press stop until you heart rate is back to normal, so I had a spinning class for 35 mins today, but I didn't press stop until 45 mins had elapsed in total.

    Chest straps are WAY more accurate apparently than anything else and you can get cheap ones of those.
  • gardnerkennedy
    gardnerkennedy Posts: 69 Member
    The soft Polar chest straps are not uncomfortable at all, and, if you are used to wearing a sports bra, you may not notice it at all (or so I have heard--I am a man). Mostly it is a matter of getting used to it. Remember to wet the mesh contact points on the strap before putting it on; the water will help the effectiveness of the contacts.

    The chest strap transmitter communicates with the watch wirelessly.

    The ones without a chest strap are not as accurate, and, if you are going to spend the money on an HRM, go for one with the strap.

    They are very useful devices. Polar makes great products. I have also heard good things about Garmins but have heard some complaints that the "hard" strap is not very comfortable.
  • I also have a Polar HRM. I love it. I have had it for years without any problems.
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    I just got one of these for Christmas and love it so far! I barely notice the chest strap and it stays in place very well. There is a button on there to pause your workouts and then start back up again so that answers your question about starting and stopping your workouts. Overall, mine does exactly what I need/want it to do!
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I have the one you're looking at and it's super easy to use and comfortable. You pretty much forget you even have the chest strap on!
  • The soft Polar chest straps are not uncomfortable at all, and, if you are used to wearing a sports bra, you may not notice it at all (or so I have heard--I am a man).

    What you hear is correct! The band round my sports bra is far more noticeable than the HRM chest strap. Although due to my genetics (mum, I am looking at you) the sports bras I require have been described as feats of structural engineering.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    1 . Not uncomfortable
    2 . You can pause it easily with a touch of a button
    3 . No
    4 . FT4

    Agreed. Love my FT4. Comfortable, user friendly, accurate, $60 or less on amazon :)
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    Chest straps are not uncomfortable, I barely notice mine on.
    You can easily pause and start again.
    Chest straps are far more accurate.
    I use a pink Timex zone trainer. It works well and I've had it since September and I've continued to lose weight. MFP underestimates calories burned by a lot. It's easy to use, I love having it.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I have a Polar FT4. I forget chest strap in on. Very comfortable. Easy to use. I set it up without instructions. Easy to start, pause, stop. Slight learning curve for me as I restarted mine in the middle of a workout and lost my calories burned for that workout but no biggie.
  • I have FT7. Got it after seeing how amazing heart rate monitors are and how much everyone loves them. LOVE IT. BUY IT!! It is SO EASY COMFORTABLE AND AMAZING! True calorie burn and fun to find best workouts.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    So when you are working out it keeps count of ALL calories no matter how fast you go or when you slow down. At the end it gives u the total correct?
  • lacharp
    lacharp Posts: 66
    Ditto on what everyone else says. As for the chest strap, it's pretty much comfortable - for me, though, depends on what sports bra I'm wearing. If I'm wearing my running one, which has more compression, it can be really uncomfortable if I don't get it in the right spot, but otherwise with a normal sports bra I don't even notice it!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Ok so I am thinking about purchasing a FT4 but I want to make sure it is not hard to use because I am not good with complicated electronics. My questions are:

    1. Are the chest straps uncomfortable? & Do they have like a wire or something that attaches to the watch?
    2. How do they keep count of the calories burned total if you stop and go during your workouts?
    3. The ones that do NOT have the chest strap-Are they as accurate?
    4. What would you recommend as one that is easy to use but accurate?

    Thanks to all in advance who reply to this :flowerforyou:

    1) No I haven't had any issue even with swimming. I have a Polar FT7 and the strap as a connection for the transmitter and sensors that you just run under water and then do up.
    2) Not sure what you mean by this... I just start and stop for specific activities (tready, bike, elliptical, pool) or if I am doing like a range of things on a Wii fit (balance, muscle exercises, yoga) I just bundle them all up in one - you are talking one or two cals while you faff about going back through the menus and starting again so I really don't worry about that).
    3) Pass... ask me one on Art and Literature :-)
    4) I went for Polar (FT7) - the FT4 is a bit cheaper... but I'm sure loads of folks will suggest others...

  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Correct. As long as you still have your HRM counting your calories and going, it doesn't matter if you are physically stopped or going full *kitten*. I tend to keep it going until my heart rate goes under my range, which is sometimes after I get home from the gym. Buy it, you'll love it!!!
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    So when you are working out it keeps count of ALL calories no matter how fast you go or when you slow down. At the end it gives u the total correct?

    Yes, that is correct!