Stuck at 130....



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Your goal may be set at 1300 but from what I see in the last week, you leave 100-300 calories uneaten most days so when you do bump up your goal, make sure you try to get as close to it as you can most days. for those days when your'e not really hungry but could use a little calorie bump, have some nutritious calorie dense snacks on hand - nuts, seeds, popcorn, eggs, fruit, etc.

    There are plenty of body weight exercises you can do at home without weights! Push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips, leg lifts, planks, squats, lunges, etc (google for more ideas). If you do want to have weighted exercises like bicep curls and shoulder presses, take gallon jugs and fill them with water. A fully filled gallon weighs about 8 pounds. If that's a bit too much for you at first, just fill them halfway. You can get handweights at WalMart fairly cheaply too when you're ready for higher weights.
  • lacharp
    lacharp Posts: 66
    Maybe take a look at your current carb/protein balance and tweak it a little? When I hit a plateau my nutritionist reined in my carbs a bit so I was doing a 2:1 ratio (2 g carbs for every 1 g protein), and that totally did the trick.
  • Modern_athena
    Modern_athena Posts: 81 Member
    You probably reached a plateau. You can try intermittent fasting. It showed promising results on many individuals (and rats :P )
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    What's so magical about weighing 125? 130 is a great weight for your height. If you aren't happy with how you look, now might be a good time to start concentrating on BF% instead of obsessing about numbers on scales. I recommend eating at maintenance (I'm guessing around 1800 cal or more) for a while and adding more strength workouts into the mix. If you are still not happy in a few months, subtract 200 calories or so from your eating plan and you might see weight come off again after your body has had time to get used to being fed again.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    So I took a look, and i saw that you are often over on fat, which is probably the worst one to be over on, so maybe downsize your fat. You also eat a lot of processed and/or unhealthy food like waffles, sugary cereal, chips, chicken and dumplings, these things are not going to help you lose weight even if you are under on calories. Also you might want to check the foods you're logging for sugar, because it seems like you eat a lot of sugary foods, and you might be going over on sugar which can contriubte to more weight gain. Also you have a lot of cereal logged, like I said, but no milk, if you eat this with milk log the milk too, log condiments, everything, because those things have sugar, fat, sodium, even if it only has 15 calories it can have significant amounts of other things.
    So I'd say watch sugar, fat, processed foods, try having like your treat as your cereal for example, but then don't have it again as breakfast, ya know? have what you want but not all the time, that might help. I didn't see a whole lot of veg, so might want to change that, also look at the total nutrition facts of what you log because I was seeing that you're watching sodium and are usually under, but i've found a lot of foods added here don't actually have the sodium, and sugar logged in, if it says N/A in that space (not 0) then it just wasn't inputted, it doesn't necesiarly have 0 grams of that, so look around and find one that has the real complete facts, or add it yourself from the box you have.

  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks for the tips guys. Yeah my sugar has gone up since mid Dec. I was doing really good then all the Christmas goodies rolled in and I got back into the habit. Gotta kick that. I've been trying to do the cereal as my "treat" when I'm craving something sweet. I eat it dry so that's why there is no milk logged.

    All in all sounds like I need to up my calories but clean up what I'm eating. Veggies have always been hard for me so that is a huge one for me to focus on.

    I know that they are just numbers and that 130 isn't fat or anything but 125 is where I set my goal. Everyone on here has a goal and we are all just trying to reach them.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Yeah, my sodium intake has sucked lately. I'll watch that closer. Also I don't strength train right now. We only have one gym in town and I can't afford it. Hubby did pick up a used bowflex but we don't have anywhere to set it up yet. Any suggestions for strength training at home?

    Maybe I'll also try upping my calories by another 100. I have my activity level at the lowest setting but with a toddler, dogs, and horses to take care of along with all the "household" chores I'm prob actually in the "light" activity level.

    Thanks for the congrats on the 130. It is a really good feeling to see that number again. I feel a lot better about myself and have a lot more energy.

    free weights, just buy some of different sizes and different weights and train with those