Oh bums....


I have just come back from my 2 and a half week holiday and whilst I started out really good by the end I was disasterous!!! I have been back 2 days and can't seem to eat well? The things is, I am really feeling quite down about being back (I know it sounds silly) but it's sort of back to reality with a big bump!!!! And so I seem to be comfort eating and need to break the habit now... does anyone have any advice/been in a similar situation?

Thanks :) xx


  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    It does get hard! I had that problem after a weekend getaway even! You're probably going to be hungry (more then usual) the next few days but you just have to push yourself through it. Have a LITTLE treat that makes you feel better but not before filling up on good food! Plus, down a big glass of water before you start! By the end of the week it'll start to get easier!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Last week was horrible for me. I was sick, and comfort food was all that was on my mind. The past few days have been TERRIBLE as far as food goes. It's a real pain to get back into the swing of things. What I've found this afternoon is that I had slacked off on my water. I list 16 glasses everyday, and I know I get that much. What I didn't realize is that I most likely get much more than that, and I think it was helping me to feel full. So I've been drinking extra water this afternoon, and I haven't been tempted by the damn snacks since this morning. Feeling better about the rest of the day and every other day starting tomorrow...:)
    fill you tum with extra water and good fiber, and it should help you feel full enough to avoid the bad food. Good luck...:)
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    Well yesterday I totally went with all of my cravings!! Eeek! But I'm hoping it's got it out of my sytem a little?!! (wishful thinking?!) I've started today with some muesli so that should keep me off the snacks til lunch!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    Well yesterday I totally went with all of my cravings!! Eeek! But I'm hoping it's got it out of my sytem a little?!! (wishful thinking?!) I've started today with some muesli so that should keep me off the snacks til lunch!