Bowflex exercises

Maybe someone can shed some light on exercise vs calories burned. I have a Bowflex and when I add my daily routine to the exercises in my diary it shows no calories burned and doesn't count as cardio. I don't think this is accurate. I also do a 2 1/2 mile bike ride at night it takes 10-12 minutes and is a breeze no sweat at all and it counts as cardio and shows burned calories. I'm not really in bad shape and I feel like the bowflex is doing more than the piece of cake bike ride. Do I somehow need to calculate the calories burned on the bowflex and enter them manually? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • picantecreative
    picantecreative Posts: 12 Member
    I have a Bowflex also and enter the cardio portion of that as "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)" - there's a cardio exercise set up for that in there. I tend to count only the actual lifting time, not the rest time between sets, but that's just my preference. Hope that helps!