My Bad Habit...



  • Built_Strong
    Built_Strong Posts: 114 Member
    I weigh in daily too. I've been told to weigh in only 1x a week, 1x a month, 1x every 2 weeks but I'm okay with seeing the little ups and downs. It helps me stay focussed.
  • iamnfs
    iamnfs Posts: 3
    I do it as well. But I only track it once a week. I know that with Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, you get weighed in once a week and it is the same day and time each week. So I write down my weight on my calender and on MFP every Thursday. :)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I do it, and I'll continue to do it. I find that if I don't the weight creeps up. It never fails that the days I think I'm going to see it go down it goes up. wtf? so weighing every day keeps it real for me...but that being said, I only log the times it goes down. I keep that the weight I think I am...I gained some this fall and I haven't reset the weight on mfp, I know I should..but I'm striving to get back down there and start moving down again. the last 15lbs are so hard as it is....
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    I weigh every day. Helps keep me motivated and keeps things in perspective. I keep a chart of daily weight graphed out on top of a 5 day trend (thanks to one of my wonderful friends!). It really helps me. If weighing every day hurts you, don't do it. Otherwise there's no issue with it, just know what you're looking at.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I weigh everyday but I also log it everyday. I like to see my ups and downs and then when I do have an up day then I can go back and look at what I ate and those previous up days to see if there was a link in them. It works for me!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Weighing every day is only a bad habit if it demotivates you and makes you give up. It's a very usefull tool for seeing how different things affect you, and for noticing upward/downward trends, as long as you look at 1 or more week averages.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I weigh daily as well. It I see loss, it isn't recorded unless it's repeated for a few days. It's a science experiment more-so than anything else. Sure, there are going to be fluctuations day to day, but seeing the trends is interesting.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Hi...great post and question. As a licensed therapist...I only weigh myself once or twice a week. as I have the same issues as you as do some of my clients. We call it SAD...Scale Addiction Disorder...a counseling joke. Yesterday I weighed first thing in the morning naked after doing my "business'...sorry to gross you out, I was up a couple. Late last night, I broke my own behaviour pattern and weighed again...down 4 lbs. It's just a scale that measures gravity's pull on your bod. It doesn't measure heart, soul, determination, etc. It's the big pic that counts, the long path to great health.

    That's what I advise myself, my dear wife, and friends here on MFP. It's just a are a person...Rock On! :drinker:
  • DakotaDame69
    I like to weigh in as much as possible ( i.e. once a day). I do this because your weight will fluctuate from day to day and it helps me to stop and think about what I did that previous day to have made a difference in my weight. When I see that I have gained in a 24 hour period it makes me stop and put myself in check. Sometimes its as simple as a can of pop or an extra salty snack as I am very sensitive to sodium. I have also become a huge label reader because of this......sodium is so very high in almost all prepackaged foods so even tho you think its healthy.....check again!
  • notreallytrillian
    notreallytrillian Posts: 77 Member
    I used to weigh every day. When I stopped weighing every day, I stopped weighing at all and gained a ton. Lesson learned. I'm back to weighing in every day again - I know it's not for everyone but it keeps me motivated and on track.
  • JerrahS
    I weigh myself each morning. Maybe I shouldn't?
  • joeysgirl10
    joeysgirl10 Posts: 106 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. I guess growing up as a overweight kid the scale was always scary... it still is... my heart races everytime i weigh in weekly!!
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    I do feel that you should only weigh-in once a week to track your progress, which you mentioned that you do. However, as long as you understand that your weight will fluctuate depending on water/glycogen, do what works for you. I personally would hate to have yo-yo feelings on a day to day basis because of a number that is far less significant than body compostition!!!
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi there - you're doing great!

    Admittedly, I was a daily weigher - only thing was it started to dictate the kind of day i was going to have. So i needed to make a change.

    I decided that I should weigh myself once a week - and do it on Fridays. That way there is no weekend let down on Monday.

    Ever since this change I feel great about my plan, my body and how I am progressing.

    Good luck and again you're doing great!
  • jennfran1
    Hi there! I am a daily weigher and I like how you said "it throws you off your routine" I am exactly the same way. I love when it shows a loss but when I show a gain it actually sets off the competativeness in me and makes me work harder, so I don't see it as a "bad habit" just a habit that shapes my attitude for the day.

    I don't think I could stop weiging everyday, it is part of the start of my day. When the scale is up I usually know why and it is a forced real piece of data that helps motivate me, good or bad. I worry more about when I am down a pound getting lazy and feeling like I can let up for the day because I am doing so good.

    You are showing a good loss, keep up with what your doing.
  • Reubinski
    Reubinski Posts: 37 Member
    Seems there are a lot more that weigh every day than I thought. Good to know it isn't just me! :)