Pilates, weight lifting, Zumba?? Comments/Suggestions??

I will be starting my 4th college semester in a couple of weeks as well as my exercise routine. I had lost some weight last spring by doing lots of cardio and eating 1,200-1,500 calories a day, but I gained it all back over the summer That weight gain triggered an eating disorder that I thought I was over with a few years back, so now I am working with a nutritionist who has me following a high protein/low card diet as I have been losing body mass with my bad habits.

Anyway, I will be following that diet, minimizing sugars and junk in general, drinking only water and skim milk (and the occasional coffee/tea), and the following workout routine:

- Weight Training Class for Women (PE) - 50 mins, Mondays and Wednesdays
- Zumba - 50 mins, Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Pilates - 1hr, Fridays
- Barre Class - 1hr, Saturday (Not sure about this one, I will try it and see how I like it.)

Obviously there may be off days where I won't follow exactly what I plan, but would this workouts combined with my eating plan help me read my goal weight of 140lbs? I am 5'7" and around 185-190 pounds (I'm estimating, I'm not allowed to see my weight when my nutritionist weights me and that is ok with me since it will probably spike my anxiety levels).
