power 90

hey guys, i started power 90 (NOT p90x) three days ago, and for sculpt 1+2, i've been using 5 pound weights. is this enough or should i be lifting more? also i'm a beginner and haven't exercised all that much before now. has anyone else done and completed power 90? what were your results like?


  • hey bemoir! that depends have you lifted weights before or done any programs like this?
  • bemoir
    bemoir Posts: 10
    hey! no, i haven't. i started jillian michaels' 30 day shred about a month ago and only finished level one, so the only weight lifting i did was the small amount in that level.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    What are you looking to do? Are you looking to tone or to build muscle? Anytime you are starting with lifting you are going to want to start with a light weight and move yourself up. What does the video say when you are doing the workout?

  • zenravn
    zenravn Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing Power 90 too to get back in shape, because I am lazy at heart and drink too much beer, but I've done some weight training in the past and this is what I've always read/been told. I know the power 90 guide/videos say very little more than "don't overdo it," as far as amount of weight goes. When you do an exercise and you want to build strength, generally do 6-10 reps, with the last one or two being hard to do, but leaves you feeling that you could do a couple more if you need to. In power 90 they say that the goal is 8-15 reps, and i imagine this is the difference between level 1 vs level 2, though this also isn't explained very well in the handbook. If this is the case (and I'll be treating it like this for myself) for the first while, 3 weeks or so, shoot for a weight that is hard to do 8 reps, as these weeks go by, you might find that you can do 1 or 2 more reps with the same weight, try to, if you reach 15 reps in an exercise and it's not that difficult (you have to be honest with yourself, your mind will lie to you) then it might be time to raise the weight for that exercise and perhaps scale back the reps back down a ways from 15, and work yourself back to it. when day 45 hits and you switch to level 3-4, reevaluate, find a weight that is hard to do 8 reps for each exercise and work your way up. All in all, if you can't do 8 reps, scale back the weight, and if you could do 15-18, you need more. Keep stressing yourself, if you can handle 5lbs on day 1, you shouldn't still be using 5lbs on day 90. Don't worry about getting "buff" either, that 11-15 rep range builds more long-twitch endurance muscle which is not so bulky, and 90 days won't turn you into any kind of bodybuilder either. Hope this helps, good luck!
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    hey guys, i started power 90 (NOT p90x) three days ago, and for sculpt 1+2, i've been using 5 pound weights. is this enough or should i be lifting more? also i'm a beginner and haven't exercised all that much before now. has anyone else done and completed power 90? what were your results like?

    I just saw this and I also started on P90 on 1-11-13.
    I am also using 5lbs to start and that is perfectly fine. After 2 weeks-3 weeks I am going to increase to 8lbs or 10lbs depending on how I feel.
    Your a little ahead of me so I am just curious How are you doing so far.....
  • hey guys, i started power 90 (NOT p90x) three days ago, and for sculpt 1+2, i've been using 5 pound weights. is this enough or should i be lifting more? also i'm a beginner and haven't exercised all that much before now. has anyone else done and completed power 90? what were your results like?

    There is no magic number as to what enough weight is. I would say for almost any move in p90 5 lbs is not enough.

    The key to the correct amount of weight is that you need to lift to failure (you physically cannot do another rep) in the target range

    failing in 3-5 reps will build strength and density with little size difference
    failing in 8-12 reps will build endurance (and some strength) increase muscle size and shape the muscle.
    lifting with a weight that you can do more than 15 reps with is essentially just cardio (Not the goal of P90)

    Please do not listen to the tons of women who spread the myth of high rep / low weight exercise being what is right for a womens body . Feel free to do your own research. You will not become a gross body built chick by picking up heavier weights
  • Also previous experience really isn't a factor in how much weight you should be using. current strength is what should determine the correct weight. Obviously previous experience could have improved your strength
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    hey guys, i started power 90 (NOT p90x) three days ago, and for sculpt 1+2, i've been using 5 pound weights. is this enough or should i be lifting more? also i'm a beginner and haven't exercised all that much before now. has anyone else done and completed power 90? what were your results like?

    There is no magic number as to what enough weight is. I would say for almost any move in p90 5 lbs is not enough.

    The key to the correct amount of weight is that you need to lift to failure (you physically cannot do another rep) in the target range

    failing in 3-5 reps will build strength and density with little size difference
    failing in 8-12 reps will build endurance (and some strength) increase muscle size and shape the muscle.
    lifting with a weight that you can do more than 15 reps with is essentially just cardio (Not the goal of P90)

    Please do not listen to the tons of women who spread the myth of high rep / low weight exercise being what is right for a womens body . Feel free to do your own research. You will not become a gross body built chick by picking up heavier weights

    Exactly, however if she has never used weights before she very well maybe failing the 8-12 reps at the 5lbs. Its all relative. I hadnt used weights in over a year. When I started again (just a few weeks ago) I would use 5lb weights and would be failing by 10 reps. But on some of the move (mostly the back ones) I could use the 10lbs. So again as long as she is feeling the burn somewhere between 8-10 and pushing for the last 2 then that weight is fine