Need help finding an exercise plan that works for me

I need an exercise programme. I'm not sure what to do that I'll stick to. Do you have suggestions? Of course the fitness program would have to fit into my lifestyle.

I work/have family stuff (i'm a married mom of a 4 and 2yo) most weekdays 6:30A-5P and kids' bedtime is at 7:30P, so i might have some time in the 5;30-7:30P range Mondays through Thursdays, and Saturday mornings. I am a member of our local YMCA which offers fitness classes and I've attended a few times but not consistently. I often have trouble getting to their classes on time so i end up doing my own thing in the upstairs gym ("my own thing" includes loose weights, mat ab exercises, weight machines, and elliptical with high resistence). By myself I don't always have the same intensity of a fitness class. I own a yoga mat but don't know how to do yoga and we have hardwood floors in our house so it's hard for me to do high-intensity workouts at home because it sounds like an elephant stampede. I don't own or have space for any equipment other than my yoga mat. My goal is to become stronger and i want to get down in the 135 pound range (i'm about 141 right now). I'm happy to do the weight loss slowly and effectively. My real goal is to make exercise my HABIT that i can carry through to my Golden years (I'm only 27 now, but i want this habit to stick!).

What do you all think?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    a few questions that might help others give suggestions:

    what type of stuff do you like doing?

    are you competitive?

    do you have any goals fitness wise?

    is there any thing you're interested in trying?
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Oh my oh my oh my...
    I am a fan of DVDs and group classes though I have worked out alone when I was in good shape.
    Quick disclaimer I am a beachbody coach but my honest opnion.

    Right now I am doig Les Mills Combat by Beachbody and I love it! It is the one program I have stuck with.
    i also do Pure Barre but I just looked and there is not a studio in your area so you'd have to go with the DVDs. She are still good and you don't need alot of space. and you will see results quickly. You need a small place and a Chair or counter to hold onto.

    Just kind of depend on what yo like. It is just finding something and sticking with it
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    a few questions that might help others give suggestions:

    what type of stuff do you like doing?

    are you competitive?

    do you have any goals fitness wise?

    is there any thing you're interested in trying?

    I wish there was a like button on here.. Very well put :smile:
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yep. Ditto all that. When you find something you truly enjoy, you will stick with it so answer the questions above and then maybe we can help a little more ;)
  • bcdg24
    bcdg24 Posts: 35 Member
    I tried to give as much information as possible in my OP. But I'll try again:

    1) What type of stuff do you like doing?
    I like doing what I already do. I'm interested in trying new things, but they have to be within my current budget or membership.
    Strength & Cardio fitness classes, weight machines, free weights, elliptical, and running.

    2) are you competitive?
    Eh, somewhat. I like challenging myself and being challenged, but I don't like competing with other people.

    3) Do you have any goals fitness wise?
    Only what I've previously mentioned: "My goal is to become stronger and i want to get down in the 135 pound range (i'm about 141 right now). I'm happy to do the weight loss slowly and effectively. My real goal is to make exercise my HABIT that i can carry through to my Golden years". Once I find a fitness program I can stick to it comes natural for me to make goals for myself within that program.

    4) Is there any thing you're interested in trying?
    I don't know how to answer this. Nothing specific comes to mind, which is why I'm asking for help.

    For about 5 months last year I worked out twice a week at a local Fitness Together studio with coworkers. 45 minute sessions of high intensity cardio and strength training in a small group setting. It was good and I know I was becoming the strongest I have ever been, but I did not like how hard the trainers pushed us. I don't want to feel guilty because I didnt complete all my reps or feel like if I don't do X i'm not good enough. So I really don't like competition in that sense. I do like pushing myself and receiving affirmation for what I'm doing right, correction for what I'm not doing well.

    Does any of this information help?