hello from South FL!

Hi there! I am sort of new here. I had joined over 8 months ago but had not logged in since. I am back and hoping to get healthier.

In high school I was very active and had a fast metabolism, in college I met the freshman 15. Had baby #1 and lost most of it within her first year due to a combination of breastfeeding and a physically demanding job. Fast forward 2 years and I switched jobs to a 8-5 office setting and the pounds came slowly, then came baby #2 and a year after that I am here at 174 lbs, about 50 lbs heavier than what I was right before I had baby #1. I am so unhealthy. I have aches and pains and no energy. Emotionally I am very unhappy with myself. I look terrible and avoid getting pictures taken even with my children. It's time to make changes. Changes in my diet and getting back to running and moving around as much as I used to.

I'm glad to be here and cannot wait to get started :)