Energy levels


I am new to this, and would love to have some feed back on some issues I've been having over the last few months; maybe someone feels the same?

I started working out for about 8 months now, doing strength training three times a week and swimming 5-6 times a week. I have my routine set up by a personal trainer and all. And the thing is, at times I feel really strong doing the sets and other times I feel like I can't even start. Isn't the natural order that you get stronger as you go along? My diet has been healthy on the most part, of course I have my cheat days but nothing major...It concerns and frustrates me that after so many months I've improved so little?

Currently I started seeing a Dietitian/Nutritionist to help me with the food part to support my training and lose the last 15 lbs I have to go, so we'll see where that takes me. But does anyone else feel the same? It is very discouraging when you don't feel strong enought as you know you should be even though you are making every effort

Thanks all!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm a runner and cyclist. Some days I go out for a run and it feels great. I can go forever, a definite high, great time and pace. Other days I got out and I get 5 minutes in and all I can think about is it being over. Feelings like I'm slogging through cement, can't get my breathing right and every minute sucks. Usually I can't point to any diet factor, sleep issue, health issue, it just sucks.

    I think most people who exercise on a regular basis over a long period of time will tell you the same. Some days it's there, other days it isn't.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 721 Member
    I have been at this well over a year now. Working with a trainer for the past 3 months, I find it is not so unusual to have your energy levels wax & wane. It is all about maintaining a balance of nutrition, sleep, and truly having a day of rest & not sneaking in a low impact workout. If these measures do not work, get a general check-up from your medical doctor.