Suggestion for new MFPeeps (actually helpful not mean)

Hi new people!
How's your day? Good? Awesome!

I just wanted to give you a suggestion that might make it easier for you to make friends on here (I know my friends I've met on here have been a LARGE part of what keeps me logging in every day).

Add a profile picture

Doesn't HAVE to be you, but something even that just shows a bit of personality if you are not comfortable putting up a picture of yourself. I know for me it really helps start looking at you as a person, not a screen name.

I like to see all the smiling faces/funny meme's/comic book characters on my news feed and I can see a bit of everyone's life/personality, and it makes it so much easier to create a friendship (even if it is only on MFP)

That's all :)

(oh, and also, when you send a friend request it's nice to send a message along with it, tell them why you want to be their friend, or how you came across them, it's friendly and nice and can start a good conversation)