Initial Running Issues?

I am, like many others, starting the new year with renewed zeal for fitness and weightloss improvements. Getting back on the calorie tracking bandwagon isn't so hard for me, but I would like to find a good way to intensify my workouts.

I am 5'6", about 300lbs, a woman, who can run for a single minute or so before needing to slow down. I have tried getting into running because it is so healthy, and burns calories so much more than walking does. But I have to say, I am pretty worried about my joints and knees. I am so heavy, I feel like my knees get weak and painful relatively quickly, which reduces my overall workout for the entire week. I love to walk, but simply do not have the time to walk an hour a day (another running bonus is the idea that I can work out in a smaller window of time).

I would really appreciate some advice, should I push through the pain and keep trying to run? Lose some weight with walking/strength training/calorie monitoring first and try again?


  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member

    I'd check with your Dr to see what they recommend. I don't think running through joint pain is a good idea - maybe start with a walking/running program where you run for a minute, walk for a few, and repeat. Adding weight training is also a very good idea.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    Depends on the kind of pain. And slow down your pace too. If your concerned, check with your doctor for their recommendation.

    Another way to ease into running is the Couch to 5K Program (C25K) - I'm a 2 time graduate :) It eases you into running. You could always start with walking and then ease into the C25K program as well.
  • Zimaleah501
    Zimaleah501 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the input! I will definitely add this to the many things I need to ask my doctor when I see her in a couple months.

    I think until then I am going to keep it to walking and light jogging when it feels comfortable on my knees. I definitely suffer from too much drive and not as much ability and a tendency to run as fast as I am able, which I now realize is unwise.

    I will also look up the specifics of C25K and bring them with me to my appointment, make sure that the pacing looks okay to Doc!