Reducing excessive body temperature

Hey guys, this may seem like a pretty gross thing to write about, but it is one of my main insecurities so I thought I would ask you guys for any help/advice you can offer.

Hi Guys,

I am 31 years old and 11st 13lbs (at the moment)...I go out about once a month with friends, we all get dressed up, nice hair, make up etc, but by the time we arrive at the pub I am already sweating so much my hair ALWAYS has to be put up, and my make-up has started to come off.

I really try to make an effort when I go out, but the sweat on my face and neck causes my hair to get frizzy and sticky. Also, when I feel like I am getting sweaty I cant talk to new people, which has really had a big effect on me meeting guys...I mean, who wants a sweaty girlfriend??!!

Anyway, I was hoping to try and find some vitamins/pills or something to reduce my body temperature so that it doesnt overheat when I get into pubs/restaurants/etc...and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice?? I know the best thing would be to exercise down to a 'sensible' size so I don't sweat any more, but that will be a very long journey and I need something to help me in the meantime.

Thanks for your time guys xx


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Have you tried talking to your doctor? There is a disease that can cause people to sweat excessively, and there are multliple treatments for it. But, only a doctor can tell you if you have the disease, or if your sweating is normal.

    Beyond that, when you are getting ready to go out, you've probably just showered and are getting ready in the bathroom. The steam from the shower and blow drying your hair increase the room temperature and make you hot. You can try getting ready in a different room or letting your hair air dry. There's also taking cold showers as well to keep your body temperature down.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    The only oddball thing that i can add that when my hubby and i put in a swimming pool.. we were amazed at how it dropped our body temperature. i didn't even have to run my air conditioning during the summer any longer. My husband told me it lowered his as well..and he noticed that he was more cool natured.

    So..have you tried soaking in a cold tub of water for about 20 minutes before you get dressed to go out? sounds crazy..but it does work. However..we didn't have a sweating problem..but we both were hot natured.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Wear less clothes
  • RobynMcGregor
    I have a higher normal body temperature than others I live and work with for the last 30 years. Always make sure you have plenty of time to get ready, rushing just makes us hotter, avoid wearing polyester or other fabrics that do not breath - Cotton and other natural fibres are good. Run cold water over the inside of your wrists for a few minutes if you feel yourself starting to heat up.

    My normal winter warm clothing is a long sleeve cotton tee-shirt while others are wearing heavy jackets, merino thermals and woollen sweaters. If I could I would wear open sandals all year but have to wear closed shoes for part of the winter as other people complain I am making them cold.

    I find my temperature always seems to increase when I am eating so if I go out to eat with others apart from thinking carefully about what I will wear and getting ready early I always try and sit near an open window, door or air conditioner.

    I have not worn make-up other than eye make-up and lippie for years doe the same reasons as you - I gave up putting it on only to watch it slide onto my chest :-)

    Control your breathing when in social (stressful) situations - don't hyperventilate but slow deep breathing rather than rapid shallow breathing.

    Hope some of this from my experience will be of help.
  • leanne2407
    Thanks Robyn, this advice has really all makes total sense to me and it sounds like I have the same issues as you. The main problem for me, is that I really love having long dark hair and taking time styling it for a night out...but then I have to put it straight up again when I get out somewhere!

    I will definitely try some of your hints, such as cooling my wrists if I feel my temp rising, and controlling my breathing to try and regulate my temperature. I am off out on Saturday night so will let you know how it goes :)

    Thanks again, you are a star! :) x
  • leanne2407
    haha, thanks for the response....maybe is a stone or two :) xx
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Some good advice on here. Totally getting checked out is an idea, and the losing weight you know

    In the mean time

    Make plenty of time to get ready, have a cool shower, no rushing. No rushing all night.

    Be aware of the temperature around you before you get sweaty. Lots of people in a small space equals a lot of heat. Once you've started it's hard to recover from.

    Take up fresh air breaks.

    Have cold drinks, drinks with ice in, but don't end up having lots of alcohol (obviously).

    Avoid caffeine and avoid hot drinks.