getting back on track :)

Hi everyone! I am new to MFP. 2 yeasr ago, I was a very fit size 6 (at 35 and after 4 babies). I had worked very hard to ge tto that place. Then I went back to school. I put on a little bit of weight, but was still a solid size 10 still squeezing into some 8s. I was exercising some and trying ot get back down to where I wanted to be. Then I broke my ankle. In 4 months, I have grown to a size 16!!! I currently weigh more than I EVER have in my life. I convinced myself that through the holidays, there was no point in trying to diet. I couldn't exercise, so I wasn't going to bother with dieting. (I know, dumb rationalizing.)

So, here I sit, holding WAY too much weight for my 5'5 frame. I am hoping that this app will help me get and stay motivated! I'm still under the care of a physical therapist for the ankle, but she said I can do some light jogging, and I can bike and obviously most lifting is ok. So, here i go!!!!! Wish me luck!!!!! :)



  • drskpbriehle
    you and me both sister! you can do it and by doing so it will motivate me to get off my butt and get busy! thanks!
  • muderfocker
    muderfocker Posts: 83 Member
    Add me if you need some buddies. :)