Getting up and Getting Going.

Hi All,

I'm Tavey. I'm a single mum, living in the Kootenay Mountains of BC, Canada. This is my second go round with myfitnesspal. Last time I sort of gave up due to stress. I put on a dress size. So this time, I'm being much more determined. I want that dress size to come off, and maybe the one below it too!

I don't weigh myself, but I do measure once a week. I measure: neck, hips, waist, and thigh.

Here we go!


  • Hollisss
    Hollisss Posts: 88 Member
    Glad to have you back!

    It's great you don't go by the scale anymore, inches lost and the fit of clothes matter most.
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    Best of luck to you - I hope my inches fall off with you!