Oh God someone help me....



  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    Stopping caffeine does lead to really bad headaches. Try cutting out the sugary beverages first without cutting the amount of caffein in your day. There have been lots of products recommended. Then you can gradually cut back on the caffeine if you think that is bothering you after cut out most of the sugar. I now drink strong dark coffee black, but I get a really good bean, dark roast, and grind and brew it myself. The secret is to get something that is smooth and not acidic.

    I have on occasion made a really rich sweet coffee drink using 8 oz of strong dark coffee and 8 oz of Silk Dark Chocolate Almond milk. It tastes almost like a Starbucks Mocha Latte but for about 123 calories! Good luck cutting back on your habit!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'd say cut back incrementally. Get yourself used to regular coffee to get your caffeine fix without all the fat and sugar.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I quit cold turkey, just to get it over with.
    Currently drinking decaf, Peet's French Roast....yummm!
    Definitely make sure you drink plenty of water. It took me a week to detox, then I was fine after that. Yes, I had a throbbing headache! And I felt quite tired, too.
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    I have 1.5 T of creamer(53 calories) and two splendas every morning in my coffee.... and 700 calories?!? That's a lot!!

    I KNOW! :sad:

    Everyday I get two medium iced pumpkin spice with cream and sugar, and eat little else. Understand I also go to art school, so drinking coffee is EVERYONES routine. its a "hipster" thing.... which is horrible...
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I use Splenda and the powder creamer (cause that's what is available @ work) in mine. More than normal creamer, cause I likes a little coffe with my cream. I occassionally will buy some no fat liquid yummy flavored creamer.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I wanted to drink black coffee in the morning so I wouldn't crave a Coke (different addiction). So, I used to go to a fancy schmancy store to buy my own specialty coffee beans. I bought the flavored beans, you know, some super vanilla-y thing, or snickerdoodle. I could grind those and drink the coffee black because of the taste. Eventually, I didn't need the extra taste. You might try getting the good beans and backing off the sugar and cream that way.
  • Dianak005
    Dianak005 Posts: 48 Member
    I was going to post the same thing! Before monday I would drink almost all my calories in coffee and pop. So I found that I really like the International delight Iced coffee ( I like Mocha the best.) So now to get myself the caffeine and that same sweetness. I can drink this for only 150 calories I know thats not great but I added up how much cream and sugar I was using and it was almost 300. I just have one serving now also. It takes will power! I quit smoking and then took up coffee and food. It only takes one -two weeks to get over it if you really try!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    wean yourself down from the sugar/cream. I used to put a lot of sugar and cream in my coffee - now, when I make it at home it's two TBSPs skim milk and 2 TSPs sugar - about 40 calories. When I was at work it was about 20. Even when I go to starbucks, I get the skinny vanilla latte or black with room for skim and splenda.

    You can do it, it just takes time.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I have 1.5 T of creamer(53 calories) and two splendas every morning in my coffee.... and 700 calories?!? That's a lot!!

    That is a hell of a lot of coffee..unless half the cup is the creamer. Holy hell! lol.
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    I was going to post the same thing! Before monday I would drink almost all my calories in coffee and pop. So I found that I really like the International delight Iced coffee ( I like Mocha the best.) So now to get myself the caffeine and that same sweetness. I can drink this for only 150 calories and just have it once. It takes will power! I quit smoking and then took up coffee and food. It only takes one -two weeks to get over it if you really try!

    Two weeks of hell. Not looking forward to it, but I AM looking forward to getting weened off the stuff. Thanks!
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    its a "hipster" thing.... which is horrible...

    I burn my mouth because I always drink my coffee before it is cool
  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    I had the same problem as well. The only thing I really want out of the coffee is caffeine, so I cut to black coffee. I make sure to buy and grind my own, so even if I can't put anything in it, I can still get some of the flavors I like. However, straight black is an acquired taste for most. It was only easy for me because it is the same way I like my beer, bitter as all hell. I don't know enough about DD to know the nutritional value of their black coffee, but if you grind your own it is only like 2 calories a cup.
  • alevett
    alevett Posts: 79 Member
    How in the world can you drink 700 calories worth of coffee. Must be specialty ones. I don't drink coffee at all, so I don't know the addiction to it. I do however drink tea and usually have 2-3 a day with some milk, no sugar. I can go without it but enjoy the taste. I usually have one after breakfast, one after lunch and then a decaf after supper. Good luck with that.
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    How in the world can you drink 700 calories worth of coffee. Must be specialty ones. I don't drink coffee at all, so I don't know the addiction to it. I do however drink tea and usually have 2-3 a day with some milk, no sugar. I can go without it but enjoy the taste. I usually have one after breakfast, one after lunch and then a decaf after supper. Good luck with that.

    Haha thanks, I'll need it.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    slowly replace, maybe replace some with diet coke which has a lot of caffeine, replace some with black coffee, or coffee just with skim milk and sugar substitute. EAT FOOD if you eat more food you might be deterred from having the coffee because you know you will go over on your calories.
  • realdog2usa
    realdog2usa Posts: 29 Member
    I love coffee too, mikoodles ... We are going to have to do an intervention with you! Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, expecting different results... many years ago, I started drinking my coffee black... Today I had a few cups, including an Americano which is an espresso with hot water added! There is no nutrition in the extra calories you are consuming with the coffee. Perhaps an artificial sweetener & skim milk, slowly cut back on the additives until you can ween yourself... or just take NoDose... It's what we took in college to stay awake all night studying... caffeine in a pill.. I don't recommend, that's just a comment... Caffeine can be a help to weight loss plan, not a hindrance... Good Luck Sweetheart!!! you gotta help yourself... but we will give you much support!

  • bikernurse11
    I hear ya my regular three cream two sugar coffee every morning and aft was killing my diet. So now I make my coffee at home and use nestle french vanilla fat free and only have one 8 oz travel mug on my way to work. Now if i could curb my craving for sugar cookies all would be good....good luck
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I have 1.5 T of creamer(53 calories) and two splendas every morning in my coffee.... and 700 calories?!? That's a lot!!

    I KNOW! :sad:

    Everyday I get two medium iced pumpkin spice with cream and sugar, and eat little else. Understand I also go to art school, so drinking coffee is EVERYONES routine. its a "hipster" thing.... which is horrible...

    You could always buy a coffee pot and put in your dorm. I had one in my dorm room. ;) Also, how about doing nonfatmilk and instead of sugar use splenda.
  • Ohmyfrog
    I use coconut french vanilla cremer, it is good, more natural, with less sugar... I have cut down from 3 cups a day to 1 cup
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Learn to drink it black and then you're good. Drink as much of that as you want