OMG are they serious

So my sister went to this weight loss clinic and they gave her a diet to follow. They must be insane let me know what you think of it. WOW

allowed 10 servings per a day. A serving equals 1 oz
lean proteins poultry, some fish fat free cheese or cottage cheese, shellfish misc egg whites, substitutes

SO basiclly at the end of the day you are eating around 350 calories WTF are they thinking. They also give her b12/b6 shots and some diet pills. They say you have to drink 128 oz of of fluid each day and 64 of those MUST be water. Im going to try and upload this diet and please share with me your thoughts. Now she is all about it because she has lost 50 pounds in 3 months well no kidding you are not eating!!

PART 1 the first few days until you hit ketosis

PART 2 from there on after life change


  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    OK well it appears the pictures did not work can someone tell me how to post the pictures please this is a must see for sure!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    So my sister went to this weight loss clinic and they gave her a diet to follow. They must be insane let me know what you think of it. WOW

    allowed 10 servings per a day. A serving equals 1 oz
    lean proteins poultry, some fish fat free cheese or cottage cheese, shellfish misc egg whites, substitutes

    SO basiclly at the end of the day you are eating around 350 calories WTF are they thinking. They also give her b12/b6 shots and some diet pills. They say you have to drink 128 oz of of fluid each day and 64 of those MUST be water. Im going to try and upload this diet and please share with me your thoughts. Now she is all about it because she has lost 50 pounds in 3 months well no kidding you are not eating!!

    PART 1 the first few days until you hit ketosis

    PART 2 from there on after life change
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    all i did was change your IMG to lower case img.

    this diet sounds crazy! unhealthy!

    PART 1 the first few days until you hit ketosis

    PART 2 from there on after life change
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Harleygirl - all you had to do was make the IMG lower case :) I haven't read them yet, just made them show up in the quote.

    Edit to say: I read them. Wow. That is all. Just wow!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't think that's quite right. Good meat is 100 cal per oz, so she should be getting 1000 cals if that were the case. When I have 4 oz of meat, it's usually 350-450 cals. Is 1,000 calories good? It's not great. Will she lose weight? Probably. Will it be the healthy way to do it? Probably not.
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Thank you for reposting that for me
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Only protein and only 10 oz of food a day? :huh:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Wow that's the Atkins diet extreme! It's just wrong... and completely unhealthy. My understanding is that throwing yourself into ketosis is NEVER a good thing...

    It just makes me sad. I've been desperate enough to try crap like that... shoot, I did the atkins diet more times than I care to admit and probably still have the urine sticks somewhere that I used to check to see if I was in ketosis. All the diets, the diet products, the pills, etc just help to reinforce to the world that losing weight is "hard". It drives me crazy...

    If someone could have told me 20 years ago that eating healthy was this easy... and that I could eat until I was FULL and lose weight - I'd have jumped on it. I'm not saying that exercising isn't hard or that it doesn't take self control to make good decisions... but this is the easiest thing I have ever done to lose weight!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    The problem is, when she goes back to eating carbs she's going to gain 50 plus pounds. If you can't stay on it for life, it's not a good diet.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    If this is medically supervised I don't see it being that incredibly unhealthy. It kicks you into ketosis (hallmark of atkins, southbeach, etc) and then starts to slowly add back in fruits and veggies. You are eating very little the first few days but thats it - 2-4 days at 1000 calories is not enough to hurt you. The diet doesn't list if there are further steps afterwards. Is there a step 3? 4? 10? Will they continue gradually introducing foods? That's what I would be interested in seeing. If not, then I'm thinking there could be trouble getting all vitamins and minerals.

    Also, pardon my prying, but did she go to a dietician or nutritionist for this, or is she looking into something like gastric bypass surgery where they require a certain amount of effort to be undertaken before the surgery can be approved?
  • steph1499
    steph1499 Posts: 36
    My mom did this diet and she lost 70 pounds. It is medically supervised because you have to have pills prescribed. Though she lost the weight she has not lost anymore and she gained a little back but over all you definitly have to do it with a doc watching.
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    There are other phases of the diet but she hasnt gotten that far yet. She will eventually get there and I will get those as well and post them. She is not getting surgery just overweight and wants to lose the weight.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    There are other phases of the diet but she hasnt gotten that far yet. She will eventually get there and I will get those as well and post them. She is not getting surgery just overweight and wants to lose the weight.

    Most likely the other phases will start slowly introducing back other foods until she's eating about the same amount as normal, but most likely with healthier selections. Very similar to the south beach diet. So long as its medically supervised I'd say its radical, but not really unhealthy :)

    I wish her luck!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    we have a chain called Medi Weighloss around here and it is something like that. Very little calories for a few weeks while going in and getting shots, supplements and advice. No working out allowed. Then its upped and upped and working out is added in later. A few people I know have done it and have been successful. Keeping it off forever is something to be seen yet. Some will do it and some will fail just depends on what they change lifetime and after they drop out of the program. Its expensive from what I hear. Of course they will LOSE the weight..we all would on something like that.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Their website gives some prices: Initial fee $195 + Weekly visits $55 . That is over $3000 for the first year. $3000 would buy a membership in a good exercise gym, and time with a nutritionist. It saddens me that people get so desperate and look to others to "take control" of their problems rather than develop the skills necessary to not only lose weight but to keep it off.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So my sister went to this weight loss clinic and they gave her a diet to follow. They must be insane let me know what you think of it. WOW

    allowed 10 servings per a day. A serving equals 1 oz
    lean proteins poultry, some fish fat free cheese or cottage cheese, shellfish misc egg whites, substitutes

    SO basiclly at the end of the day you are eating around 350 calories WTF are they thinking. They also give her b12/b6 shots and some diet pills. They say you have to drink 128 oz of of fluid each day and 64 of those MUST be water. Im going to try and upload this diet and please share with me your thoughts. Now she is all about it because she has lost 50 pounds in 3 months well no kidding you are not eating!!

    PART 1 the first few days until you hit ketosis

    PART 2 from there on after life change
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I have a former friend (moved away and lost touch) that went to one of these places...we started our "dieting" together.

    She lost weight, and lost it quickly (and she gloated). Six years later, she has gained back the weight and then some. Although it took me almost four times as long to lose the weight as it did her, I have maintained my weight loss within ten pounds for the past four years.

    It is my firm opinion that any diet you can't stay on for the rest of your life is not going to give you lasting results. You have to learn how to eat, not starve. You need to learn a "new" normal, or when you go back to your normal the weight just comes back.

    Slow and steady, people...slow and steady.
  • gisii
    gisii Posts: 74 Member
    Their website gives some prices: Initial fee $195 + Weekly visits $55 . That is over $3000 for the first year. $3000 would buy a membership in a good exercise gym, and time with a nutritionist. It saddens me that people get so desperate and look to others to "take control" of their problems rather than develop the skills necessary to not only lose weight but to keep it off.

    ur absolutely right, its sooo sad!!!, and with that money u can buy more healthy foods, nuts, and so forth, some people make me sad!!