Acai berry . . .

any thoughts? Has anyone used this and had success? I have been wondering about it for awhile but have been thinking it is just another gimmick.

Just curious to see what people have to say about it.

Thanks in advance.


  • Fuhgeddaboudit
    The drinks are yummy... the pills are a great detox. No side affects for me when i did it
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    I didn;t see any benefits and am wary of that sort of stuff now, I truly believe that the more chemicals and so called weight loss wonder pills you put in your body the harder it becomes to lose weight without them. There's no substitute for eating right and exercising - trust me if there were we'd all know about it by now!!!
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    I heard its really good

    I havent tried it but my aunt has lost quite a lot of pounds using it. I was thinking of giving it a try

    I would recommend it =D
  • jmb1510
    jmb1510 Posts: 45 Member
    I used them and other detox stuff and never saw any results. I have only seen results with eating right and excercise.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I am an avid exerciser and eat well, however, I have hit a plateau. I have been "stuck" for weeks now and am quite frustrated. I have calmed down on the exercise this week and increased my calories a bit. I sure hope that helps.
  • Lisar97
    Lisar97 Posts: 8 Member
    I didn't notice any difference with them and I turned out to be allergic to the pills - horrible itchy rash from them. It took several weeks to show up.
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    Used them for about 2 months while dieting and didn't see any change other than my regular weight loss.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i take a half dose of it in capsule form every day. the reason why i started taking it was becuase someone in my household had purchased it. i checked out the ingredients and the capsule seemed to be pretty natural. the only change i've seen is it might give me an energy boost. however, i wouldn't buy it on my own.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thanks again everyone for your input. Guess I won't plan on purchasing them any time soon. :wink: