Not losing the weight! Advice?

I have been working out hardcore for about 9 months straight. My typical week consists of fitness kickboxing for 60 minutes (3 days a week) and MMA for 80 minutes (3 days a week). A typical work out I will burn from 500-600 calories and push myself harder by using heavier weights, resistance, etc. The workouts are fairly mixed between core strengthening, cardio, weight lifting... I eat a fair amount of protein typically 80g a day to keep up with building muscle so I can burn the fat. However, I have not seen any weight loss at all! Instead, I have seen a weight increase. I've gained about a total of 7lbs, and I have no doubt that most of this is muscle. However, I have yet to shed the fat... is it ever going to happen? I eat lots of fresh foods and stay away from processed/fast food. I would say that my biggest downfall is carbs, if Im being honest,.... do you think that this is what is keeping me from shedding the weight? Any advice or similar stories would really help and encourage me!


  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Did you take before and after pictures to look at? Or measurements? You may be shrinking and not know it.
  • Juggernoobs
    I would take a body fat % with calipers, that way you are targeting the fat and not the weight. I have also put on weight but that is in lean muscle mass, I have dropped from 18% body fat to 14% (possibly 12% now) I can't physically notice much difference but that is because I look at myself everyday - photos show me the difference.

    You are doing great, make sure you are eating enough and regular, I eat every 2-3 hours so my metabolism is high and burns more calories.

    Edit: It's a slow process so don't give up. I bet your not measuring you V02 Max but I can tell you now that will be much better with all that cardio and strength training.
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    I unfortunately did not take before and after pictures. I do FEEL healthier, more toned and not as "flabby", but I have an excess amount of weight for my age and height. I am approximately 5'3'' and 150lb... 4 years ago I weighed 135lb. I'm wondering if this is ever going to be a possibility again!
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    Calipers are a great idea! and Congratulations on your fat loss! I will have to use other measures than the scale to show me the difference, it is definitely harder to see the difference from before and after without pictures!
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    BUMP- Any other advice out there? Am I eating too many calories? Not enough?