2 months in and not a single lb lost :(



  • SuperHeroRipped
    It could be a lot of things. are you getting enough water? keep going and you will get there :)
  • jacktheripped
    "I feel so much better in myself. Loads more energy and not as many migraines. My body is toning up and i am ... Going from a 14 to a 12..."

    What is the problem here?

    You're working out, you have new muscles, muscle weighs more than fat, don't worry about the scales and keep on keepin' on. Muscles require more calories to function so at that caloric deficit you will eventually start burning your fat for energy and lose weight.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Measure yourself. I had a period where I didn't lose any weight for 6 weeks but I was still losing inches. Don't focus on the scales so much.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    I should also note my stomach is the hardest place for me to lose and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred helped with that a lot.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Calories in vs calories out would be my usual suggestion.

    We can't see your diary, so it makes it a bit harder.

    Are you definitely logging EVERYTHING you eat.
    Are you eating back exercise calories after the 1200?
    If so; how are you working out calories burnt (MFP is notoriously inaccurate and generally errs on too much.)
    The 1200 minimum MFP sets is very arbritrary.

    For instance, lets say one person considers two possible ways to set up MFP.
    One they set as sedentary and adds exercise calories; 500 defecit. MFP calculates they only need 1350 calories, then takes 500 off, but limits it to 1200. Now you're at a 150 deficit - so two biscuits not listed a day could change you from losing to maintaining. Any exercise calories are added on, but with just overcalculating the calories burnt by 150 you're again back to not losing.

    The other option, they set as more active, but don't record separate exercise calories and MFP calculates they need 1800 calories. So taking 500 off leaves them eating 1300 calories, but not eating another 500 when they've done a decent workout.

    When I can, I wear a motoactv through the day (with HRM for the more serious stuff) and base my 'calories out' figure on that, which seems to be about the most accurate way to get a real figure to base it on.

    After all that; if you can see some difference, that's definitely a good start.
    I'd be happy to stay the same weight if I was losing fat and gaining muscle.
    (Infact, this morning the scales said the same as yesterday, but the last of my xmas love-handles have gone, so quite happy with that :).)
  • victoriageorgina
    victoriageorgina Posts: 41 Member
    I am defo going to start using my fitness pal again and logging everything i eat. I shouldnt have stopped. What you say makea perfect sense.

    I am really happy that my muscles are becoming more defind and i feel fitter and healtheir... Just the stupid scales seem to have the ability to bring me down!! So ditching them as what everyone is saying makes so much sense. I guess i just wondered if it was normal for some people not to loose many lb at all.

    Yes my stomach is hard to loose from.. My hips even more so... Although they are were they are and they're never going to go anywhere. I am slightly "big boned" and have a broad frame. but jillian michaels has been my god send. I completed 30 day shred last week and am now on the first week of ripped in 30.

    Things are happening. I just really need to break up with my scales. It is such an unhealthy relationship :p.. And what everyone has suggested and said makes so much sense. Thank you all. :)
  • Annawaywego
    Annawaywego Posts: 35 Member
    Our diets sound similar- without looking at your diary I can’t give you an accurate analysis. But you are welcome to look at mine.
    I was the same (I stayed statics for around 6 months!!) and almost gave up MPF and everything.
    It is really important to look at the QUALITY of food you eat- although I was under my calories goal of 1200 daily, simply giving up my protein shake in the morning and replacing it with a measure portion of Oats Porridge (made with WHOLE milk!) has miraculously kick started my loss again after six months.
    I also rarely eat carbs like wholemeal bread/sweet potatoes etc, although they are good for you, they just don’t burn fats! Have them as a treat occasionally.
    The big lesson I have learnt since I have been on here is that 1 calorie is not the same as 1 calorie!
    Every food works in a different way on your metabolism.
    Try to look up foods that rev up your metabolism and incorporate those into your diet.
    Recently, after painfully losing at a slow rate after Daily DVD workouts and strict calorie counting, I put on 7 lbs over the Christmas holidays (10 days!) because I was at home in bed with flu and a chest infection but in the last 10 days after changing simple things-like the porridge. And doing a very brisk half hour walk mid-day, it has helps loads.
    It’s easy to say don’t concentrate on the scales. I am 5ft 1ns and a UK size 14. And at best I hover between a 12 and 14. So you expect you go down on the scales, I completely understand your frustration...but when I measured myself the inches lost more than made up. I now weigh myself but always bear in mind that it is not the be-all and end-all of me.
    All I can say is don’t give up. You don’t sound like you have a lot of weight to lose, so it does make it harder for your body to let go of the fat/excess. I love Jillian Michael’s too. But maybe if your levels of fitness go up and you are finding JM easy, do something like HIIT/INSANITY/LES MILLS TURBO FIRE or PX90 for more of a workout and to really rev up and streamline your body.
    That is what I plan to do when I have 12lbs left to lose as I am sure to hit another static plateau.
    So now I am building up fitness levels and just enjoying the weight loss journey with my MFP supportive friends.
    Feel Free to add me. 