
The other day I had potato, banana, cocoa (although only a tsp) and still couldnt hit my potassium target despite them all being rich in it :( as for other days ive been nowhere near. do i just need to up the quantity somehow without overstepping my cals? or is anyone else having trouble with this one?
may just invest in a supplement i guess! thanks


  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    Potassium isnt required to be listed on food labels. A lot of entries for food on mfp have no potassium listed

    You are probably getting enough potassium if you have well balanced diet. You can google potassium rich foods

    You could take a supplement but OTC are only 3 % of the daily value.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Good natural food sources of potassium include:

    Nuts, like almonds and peanuts
    Citrus fruits
    Leafy, green vegetables

    If you have a good balanced diet that contains natural foods and not a lot of processed food, your potassium levels should be fine. People below are the ones more commonly known to have a potassium deficiency

    Use certain medicines, such as diuretics and certain birth control pills
    Have physically demanding jobs
    Are athletes
    Have health conditions that affect their digestive absorption, such as Crohn's disease
    Have an eating disorder
    Abuse alcohol or drugs

    If you don't fit into one of these groups then you should be fine. I would recommend talking to a doctor and getting your levels checked if you are concerned because overdosing on potassium does have some serious side effects.
  • LE193
    LE193 Posts: 23
    Thank you! Just checked the potassium for milk and they put it as 0, so I guess its what's been mentioned that they don't list it for all foods :)
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    Lipton Green tea has potassium in it.
  • JoLou88
    JoLou88 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been having the same problem. Even taking a supplement 3x/d, I'm still not near the recommended amount. WWT?
    If I ate enough foods to hit my potassium mark I'd be way over my cal count.
    Could the RDA value be wrong???
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Almost all foods have potassium in them.

    Almost all food manufacturers don't list it, as they're not required to.