How to incorporate more calories

I have been told to eat more calories per day as I'm way too low, I am currently NET-ing about 1100-1150, I have been eating so low cal for long (about three months) that I eating more is daunting and I dont know how to incorporate any more calories. Can someone please look at my diary and suggest ways to healthily increase. What foods to eat and where to add them in my day, etc. I really need help :/


  • SonnyKaykay
    Just simple ways of getting more, HEALTHY, calories? Anyone?
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Your diary looks amazing and healthy to me and you are not that far off your calorie goal. If you are using MFP calculations and eating back your exercise calories, then as MFP tend to over estimate you can just eat back 50 - 70% of them. Therefore just adding 20g of (I desertspoon) peanut butter for instance would get you up to goal.

    Also try upping the portion size of the meals that you are already eating, as just a few more grams will make a difference. If I am low on calories I tend to throw in 0% greek yoghurt, more avacado or nuts.

    Well done:smile:
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I think your diary looks great and if you are happy with it I'd stick to what you are doing. It has worked for you and you look like you've made healthy chocies that you should be able to maintain.

    Otherwise try increasing your portion size a little (as suggested), or add a snack. Maybe add a glass of skimmed milk and a tin of tuna as a snack? I have a glass of milk most nights before bed.

    Don't forget, the numbers are just a guide. You lost lot of weight, are exercising regularly, and are close to your goal. Providing that you feel good and are healthy I'd stick with what you are doing.

    Well done.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Google high calorie healthy foods!! I know nuts and avocado and oil are!!
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    Ur choice of food seems to be healthy but see to it that u increase ur quantity.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Maybe add some more protein to snacks, have a glass of milk or some almond butter :)
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Eat double what you normally do in veggies - and add some lean protein sources