Fending off the Cravings?

Does anyone have tips for fending off cravings? I joined yesterday night, but I bought groceries yesterday afternoon - which included two boxes of cookies and some chocolate bars. I’ve been having this seriously craving to demolish my little stockpile, but I'd like to stick to my commitment to myself and make the goodies last longer. So if anyone knows of some helpful ideas that keep me out of the junk food and focused on something else, I’d be forever grateful. Thanks

* I've taken to munching on cauliflower in the meantime, but it won’t last forever…


  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    I've been at this weight loss thing for a long time now and I still cannot have stuff like cookies in the house. I will very occasionally buy a single serving of junk food, but I cannot have ice cream, cookies, or other munchies around. So, tip #1 would be to not buy it in the first place. It's self-sabatoge waiting to happen. I notice that my cravings are a lot less manageable if I am not eating nutrient-dense foods or just plain not eating enough. I try to fend off cravings by eating healthy foods before they hit. An apple is one of my favorite things to grab before cravings have a chance to set in.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Yeah I had to remove it from the house as well.
    Instead I bake low cal cupcakes (with coke!) and I have these neat little packs of caramel pecan popcorn that I munch on when I just cant shake a craving (usually at TOM)... the rest of the time I try and grab healthy like grapes, carrots, almonds.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Just make yourself work for those items. Once you realize how many minutes you have to exercise to burn off that treat you may not want it anymore, at least not as often. Don't give in and demolish your stockpile. You will feel awful if you do, trust me! You are strong and you can fight off this temptation. Also, think of things to replace all that bad stuff. I have a sweet tooth and love chocolate so I often make sugar free fat free chocolate pudding.
  • WhiteWanderer
    That sounds great. As soon as the junk food is gone, then I can totally stick to those plans. Excercing lots to burn of the extra chalories need to munch on them sparingly, and then replacing the candies with apples or other naturally sweet fruits sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Counter stock pile your pantry with some real foods. The cauliflower is good but get creative and find some things that you really like. The more "real" your food is the less hungry you will be.

    One of my favorites is to cut up an apple into 16 slices, sprinkle with cinnamon (no sugar) and microwave until it just starts to turn soft. It tastes like apple pie!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Well if you can't trust yourself then just get rid of them. Bring them to work or just throw them away. Or allow yourself some and be willing to throw in some exercise if you don't have enough calories to accommodate it in for that day. You need to allow yourself treats in moderation or you will never stick with it. You need to answers your cravings just plan for it. I try to do it after weigh in so you have the rest of the week to get back to where you need to be so you don't blow my weigh in. It is all about will power! You can do this baby steps! Good luck!