Newbie - Sydney Australia


A little about me, i have always been a big girl. Coming from a bad childhood food was my comfort & i ate it to hide all the pain i was going through behind closed doors. 6 weeks before my 21st birthday i decided it was time to change my life & over the next 7 months i lost a huge 43kgs all on my own.

About 6 months later i met my now husband & fell pregnant with our son pretty soon after, i only gained 7kgs while pregnant as i was extremely sick, however once our son was born & tiredness took over, laziness knocked on the door & all my hard work went out the door & soon i was 20kgs heavier again. My weight loss have gone up & down ever since & after many " quick fix " diets i have started clean eating & lost 4.7kgs in the first week ( pre xmas ) so im back on it & ready to find the new me.

I now walk 1 hour 4 nights a week, have a personal trainer 1 day a week & hubby & i have just started boxing at home, so fingers crossed it all pays off soon.

Please add me if you want to help me on finding the new me & i will help you along the way also :)