Hey everyone! So im back again after ive gained 7lbs :o(

Hi to all x

I started calorie counting on MFP last year July time i think it was and i weighed 158lbs, i went down to 147 by November and felt great...
However after 10 days of non stop partying over Christmas (Drinking silly amounts of alcohol with my girlys) and basically eating junk i am now up 154lbs and really need to kick start getting the lbs off again.

Its my 30th birthday coming up in March and i would really love to drop a dress size and tone up so i am doing 45 min intervals of fast walking and runnning on the treadmill every other day!!

During the day i have my little girl so i am limited to attending gyms and need ideas for home based workouts, (i do have a treadmill)

Any ideas for low cal meals, snacks, good home exercises, tummy toning???? would be GREAT xx


  • nmalek1025
    Hey!! Story of my life. I went back to school and stress in September and gained 15 lbs! I am on my way to get down to my weight in the summer and maybe even lose a couple of more pounds. There are TONS of great meal ideas and even workouts you can do from home. If you are trying to really lean out I would say for low cal meals, combine any protein/veg/fat and only eat one starch in the morning if doing cardio that day. For example, if you're doing cardio on Monday eat oatmeal/egg whites/natural PB for breakfast and for lunch have chicken/tons of veggies/olive oil. I cut out starch for a week and leaned out fast. I wouldn't recommend cutting them out for too long because you will get carb cravings bad but it's a good jump start to weight loss.

    For low cal snacks:
    hard boiled egg with veggies and salsa
    Jamie Eason turkey meatloaf muffins with veggies
    1/2 cup cottage cheese with sugar free jam
    1/2 apple with cinnamon and 10-12 almonds
    1/4 cup of greek yogurt with any fruit
    1/2 banana with PB
    veggies with hummus
    You can tell I LOVE snacks!!
    Here are some links to at home exercises....


    There are SO many workouts to do at home...just combine any body weight exercises like squats/jumping jacks/burpees/lunges/butt kicks/knee raises/planks/ etc. and you can get a killer workout!!

    Good luck!
  • starryeyedsnoozer
    starryeyedsnoozer Posts: 89 Member
    Snap!! I've gained 8lb over Christmas and its got to go!! I also have a LO around during the day so I've been doing DVD workouts until I've worked out how to entertain him while I'm in the Gym. I'm a similar weight to you and I'd love to lose 20lb but Ill settle with the first 10lb to begin with. Feel free to add me and we can support each other! X
  • mmowery31
    mmowery31 Posts: 23 Member
    welcome back!