The Scale Lies!!



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    The scale is a Dirty *kitten* -- Measurements!

    I have only lost 1lb since May BUT dropped pant sizes - Thank you squats and DLs


    gray top pics by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    the pic on the left is January 2010. I weighed between 188 and 199lbs. I was busting out of a 42DD bra and wore size 16/18 pants. The pic on the right I am wearing the SAME shirt, a 38C bra and size 12/14 shorts. I was 195lbs.
  • MLibby84
    ya you probably gained muscle :) Good for you and way to go on the weight you have already lost! scales can be your enemie, i was always obsessed especially when I did Weight Watchers.. but now Im being good and only weighing myself every Wensday..

    Keept it up!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I hate mine right now and am convinced mine laughs at me as soon as I turn my back. I am about ready to send it to a funeral if it doesn't record something soon.
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    I weighed in this morning in anticipation of a good number. I had a great week with my eating and exercising. More exercise that most weeks and not only did I not lose, I gained a pound! I am trying not to get frustrated because I know I am doing the right things. I just wanted to show up on the scale. So, I choose to believe the SCALE lies!! lol

    like the previous people are saying, you may have gained muscle. It could be water weight too or a combination. I would not get caught up too much unless there is a significant gain in weight. I have lost 3 pounds just going to the bathroom and emptying out all body waste.

    you have to weigh yourself at the same time you weighed yourself when last you weighed yourself. If you weigh yourself in the morning, you will get a different result as when you weigh yourself in the evening. you also nned to have the exact same type of clothing on. Its best to just be naked. I only wear my glasses so I can see the scale numbers, otherwise I would not wear them either. :embarassed:
  • lbmade2crave
    lbmade2crave Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement. How often do you measure yourself? I have lost over 16 inches since I began.

    I starting measuring once a week then I went to every two weeks. I measured last week so I took this week off.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yes it lies! A little more than a week ago I was so sick, running to the bathroom several times an hour, losing fluid like crazy, and the scales bumped up 3 pounds. 3! I don't think that's even possible.

    But my scales do seem pretty accurate. I've weighed before going to the doctor office, and my scales have always been within a pound of the scales at the clinic.
  • newmrswood
    Thanks for all the encouragement. How often do you measure yourself? I have lost over 16 inches since I began.

    I starting measuring once a week then I went to every two weeks. I measured last week so I took this week off.

    I measure the last Saturday of every month
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Its more about inches then pounds. Unless your a circus carny that can guess peoples weight then I'd never worry about the numbers.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    The scale did not lie. The springs are designed to measure weight. Society has lied to you about what weight means. The problem is not the scale. The problem is your interpretation of the information you received by using the scale.
