Trying it again

smpinkajl03 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is ashley and i am trying this site again, i just baught a scale for the first time, and since i have been to the dr in december i have lost 18.2 lbs which was a shock because i fell off the wagon and started eating fast food. I LOVE FAST FOOD. but i realized the other day when i walked into the store and couldnt find a single pair of pants in my size. i can only buy online and they arent vary trendy for a 24 year old. that is when i started my "diet" again. i am really not calling it a diet i am just counting my cals and no fast food. usually when i go to the store like that i get depressed that nothing fits and i go to a fast food resturant and eat alot. not this time. I AM GOING TO LOSE! I AM GOING TO LOSE!


  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! Will power! You can do this! Meal planning, logging your calories, drinking you water and getting some exercise in. Good luck!
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