Kids & Organic Food?!



  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I feel ya, OP. It is hard. Especially if you are trying to transition. Add my husband to the list of picky eaters, and I have ww3 at my house every dinner time. It took me like a month to get my 5yr old to eat a banana, he is awfully picky and has texture/sensory issues. My almost 3 year old will eat pretty much any fruit, but no vegetables.
    Everyone gave some good tips, I hadn't thought of yet, thanks!
  • sarah6336
    sarah6336 Posts: 108 Member
    How about trying different clean foods and seeing what they like to make the lifestyle change fun to them. Give them new foods, and see what they like. I have a nephew that loves a lot of different foods. Sometimes he refuses something, but not often. He eats organic whole foods. I've fed my nephew tomatoes & corn before. Loved them. Currently, he won't eat yogurt.
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 145 Member
    Does anyone like drastic change?

    You have to remember you chose this for you...they didnt choose it ..and it is different.

    Dont take away all of their favorites all at it gradually...especially snacks/condiments....doesnt mean you have to make two meals..but you dont have to eat everything they do..

    Let them have their cheezits...let them dip in ranch dressing. As you start finding newer things that they do like...put those in the normal rotation and have the less healthy thing less frequently.

    I am eating better...but the kids still get more treats than I I feel that is completely fine.

    If you do it gradually...they will not fight it as much...
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I always tell my son that he can't get up from the table until he's tried at least one bite of everything.

    And he keeps seeing the same foods over and over again.

    The 5 yr old will eat Brussels sprouts, wilted spinach, beets.....pretty much anything now.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I remember when I was first feeding my babies solid food I read that it can take up to 10 attempts for a baby to like a food, so even if s/he spits it out, keep trying! I've carried that forward and will keep trying with food they've turned away several times before.

    As for my house:
    If he had his way my 2 year old would eat mac & cheese for every single meal if we let him. We eat the Annie's version at my house, but STILL, it's mac & cheese and not something I want either of my kids consuming on a regular basis. I grew up on Kraft M&C and on spaghettios and it's taken me forever to undo those poor eating habits.

    We do eat breakfast cereal at my house and they have their choice of several healthier varieties (ie no captain crunch or fruity pebbles in my house). They get to pick their cereal so this usually isn't a battle. They usually eat bananas at breakfast too.

    Lunch is often nutritious and full of various fruits (they love fruit). Sometimes we have what we call a "snack lunch" in that they'll get some lightly salted almonds (love these from Trader Joes), an apple and a string cheese.

    Dinner, I serve them the same thing my husband and I eat. If they don't eat it, they don't get something else. It's totally their choice - I won't force them to eat it, but that's all they get. Granted there are usually a few different parts to dinner so even if they don't like one item there are still at least one or two other things to choose from. I refuse to make multiple meals and I figure the more it's put in front of them, the more likely they will be to eat it (at least someday). Left to his or her own devices, a child that is never served a vegetable will likely never eat a vegetable. It's not a food they seem seek out naturally, but something they can learn to enjoy given a little effort! Oh, and I lead by example. If they don't see me eating the healthy foods, I certainly can't expect them to.
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    I started my kids on Organic Eggs/Milk and Beef when they were very young. I now struggle with finding "fast" food that has organic products but they don't seem to mind any healthy foods. I never give my kids the option and they eat what I serve.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I really don't recommend ketchup and ranch though (salt / fat).

    The salt/fat in a tablespoon of sauce is outweighed by the benefit of eating two or more servings of veggies at dinner. IMO.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member

    Dinner, I serve them the same thing my husband and I eat. If they don't eat it, they don't get something else. It's totally their choice - I won't force them to eat it, but that's all they get. Granted there are usually a few different parts to dinner so even if they don't like one item there are still at least one or two other things to choose from. I refuse to make multiple meals and I figure the more it's put in front of them, the more likely they will be to eat it (at least someday). Left to his or her own devices, a child that is never served a vegetable will likely never eat a vegetable. It's not a food they seem seek out naturally, but something they can learn to enjoy given a little effort! Oh, and I lead by example. If they don't see me eating the healthy foods, I certainly can't expect them to.

    We do this too.....unless it's something very spicy I know my 5yr old can't handle....
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member

    Dinner, I serve them the same thing my husband and I eat. If they don't eat it, they don't get something else. It's totally their choice - I won't force them to eat it, but that's all they get. Granted there are usually a few different parts to dinner so even if they don't like one item there are still at least one or two other things to choose from. I refuse to make multiple meals and I figure the more it's put in front of them, the more likely they will be to eat it (at least someday). Left to his or her own devices, a child that is never served a vegetable will likely never eat a vegetable. It's not a food they seem seek out naturally, but something they can learn to enjoy given a little effort! Oh, and I lead by example. If they don't see me eating the healthy foods, I certainly can't expect them to.

    We do this too.....unless it's something very spicy I know my 5yr old can't handle....

    You know... I made a bunch of turkey chili in my crock pot on Sunday and I left out the red pepper flakes purely so my kids would be able to eat it! I *LOVE* spicy food so these days I add the spice just to my serving or sometimes we will feed the kids dinner, put them to bed and then treat ourselves to some chicken vindaloo from the Indian restaurant at the end of our street :-). Gotta get my spicy fix in sometimes!!