Weight Watchers?? Love it or no?



  • GeemaQ
    GeemaQ Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, there IS SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT IT....it in a say, does convert calories to points...but it isn't just calories...it he calulator Evaluates the QUALITY OF THE FOOD you are eating...higher pt value for foods with Hugh carb and fat content...lower pts for those with higher fiber and protien content.
    I am a WW Online member and LOVE it!

    It is affordable, (costs for a month what 1 meeting costs.)"""it has tons of tools to use,...and quick strategy advice in MY SPACES in the website/app. I t is worth your time...I have 26 daily pts, but upped it to 29...you can earn more points through activity...and you get 49 pts every ek xtra, to use ...or not...a little at a time or all at once...TRY IT, you'll like it..
  • vbarrient
    vbarrient Posts: 52 Member
    I did it for a bit. It got too complicated with the new program and I can get the same support here on MFP for free that I did there. Its a good program I suppose if you want to continue going by points When I found out about this, I cancelled. I am doing great here.
  • Beautifulandthin
    Beautifulandthin Posts: 1 Member
    I do weight watchers along with my fitness pal, and I love the new points system. I started weight watchers January of 2012, and I lost 40 lbs. I just pay weekly, so if I can't make it to the meeting, I won't be charged. Being with people with the same challenges really helps me! It is a program I can live with. I am not depriving myself, but I am teaching myself when to stop! I had to choose a program that I can do the rest of my life, and I can do this! I am loosing slow, but this is the first time that I have kept it off! I do need to exercise more which I will do this year! Try it, and do what works for you!!!
    Life is a gift...enjoy it and live! ????
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I tried it a few times in the past and didn't feel like I could eat enough under thier points guidelines for my height/weight.

    I like TDEE - 15% much better with tracking on MFP and exercising like crazy. I rather excercise a lot so that I can eat alot than not exercise and eat less. That's just me though.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?

    Yes, the program is basically couting points, instead of calories. they use fiber, protien, carbs, etc to give each food a 'point' value and then you get so many points a day with a weekly allowance also.

    The only thing, IMO, worth paying WW for is the meetings if you need face to face interaction and accountablilty and a group weigh in setting. Other than that, MFP calorie counting make life 300% easier than trying to figure out point values, and its free.

    ^^ This. If MFP is working for you, then it's not really worth it. However, if you need the additional motivation, accountability and support, then it is. I've done it a few times. Granted the weight has always come back on, but that's me, not the program.
  • crysta1000
    crysta1000 Posts: 25 Member
    I tried weight watchers last year and personally I find MFP a lot easier and it's free. I found weight watchers food tracker a bit complicated and it took me forever to enter my meals. I tried to like the program however it just wasn't worth the money IMO.
  • GeemaQ
    GeemaQ Posts: 14 Member
    I totally agree about the food database...MFP a lot better....but, I still think the tools are way better on WW...also, the MFP app in general is way better....but I find it too generous with calories...I live the power foods on WW.
    Actually, I track on both every day....very informative to see both...also, WW has a scanner app for your phone/iPod/iPad...AND a points calculator built in...it is all what works for each of us....
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    I am a Lifetimer at WW. The Points Plus worked (slowly) for me when I was 9 lbs. over goal and wanted to get back to my goal weight. Once I got there, I wanted to reach a personal goal. My losses then were very, very small and slow. I started double tracking with MFP and discovered the problem. I got 26 points/day. Those 26 points can be a HUGE range of calories/day - 1250-1600 depending on my food choices. BTW...in case you are wondering if I ate a lot of the zero point fruit, I didn't as I am not a fan of fruit. I do eat a lot of zero point vegs though.

    At that point, I dropped tracking points and focused on my calorie intake and nutrients. I feel I eat much healthier with MFP even though I followed the GHG that WW recommends. Nutrition just because more important to me.

    I still weigh in once/month to keep my LT status. Last month when I weighed in I was told I needed to lower my goal weight as I am 20 lbs. below goal. :)
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Stick with MFP... I am also someone who was very successful with past programs (lost 35 lbs twice-a baby was the reason I gained it back each time). I also failed miserably on the new program.

    IMO-MFP is much better.
    1. It is free
    2. The database is so much better and so much more comprehensive.
    3. The support here is great.
    4. MFP emphasizes exercise so I really think it will be helpful in maintenance.
  • LuvHinesWard86
    LuvHinesWard86 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm a lifetime member of WW who is currently paying a meeting fee once a month just to keep myself accountable. I started with MFP just to have a double check. On WW I was overeating and not counting points because it was not seen by anyone but me. Now that I'm on here and my diary is viewable...I have really changed how I eat. I'll weigh-in tonight.

    I'm currently approx. 10 pounds over my WW goal.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I loved the old plan, but chose not to do the new one or the one right before.

    It's very similar to calorie-counting. What I like most about it is that you have a weekly allowance in addition to the daily, so if you have a day where you eat more than usual, it's easy to account for and track.

    I also learned a lot about nutrition. The Good Health Guidelines are great for beginners.
  • bennieangel
    I lost 25#'s on WW in 2010, then quit in 2011 & started tracking on MFP, fluctuated a lot and decided to rejoin WW in November (starting weight up 3#'s from when I quit in 2011). So far I have lost consistently again using the WW program. I go online only, so the monthly fee isn't too bad. I like it, and I will stick with it this time.

    Like others I had a hard time transitioning from the old 'momentum' program when they switched in 2011 & that's why I stopped. The program now '360' is the same points plus tracking, but some time away allowed me to start fresh with the 'new' program & so far I really like it.

    If you're stuck, give it a try. If you are doing well with MFP, why bother?
  • ceannesjourney
    I'm thinking of trying Weight Watchers after hearing that it's the number 1 rated diet by the government (or something like that) on Kidd Krad****. But before I start forking over money I thought it'd be a good idea to hear your experiences first! Do you love it? Think it's overpriced? Find it easy to keep up with the points? Any info will be helpful :) Thanks!

    I don't think it's worth it--as others have mentioned here (just a different way to count calories, but you need to do the calculation). But...if you are looking for a support system, try T.O.P.S. They have them, I believe, worldwide. And it's only approx. $30.00 for a whole year. Assorted age groups, etc. I went for a while, but it's not for me. But I know others who love it.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I've tried it multiple times, and was *almost* successful multiple times, but hit a serious plateau and didn't find that their plateau-busting tips helped at all. The only thing that has helped me get past that was MFP, along with the EatMore2WeighLess group.

    What I liked about WW:

    - It has a nice interface
    - Their content is sometimes helpful and motivating, like their magazine (I still purchase sometimes)

    What I didn't like about WW:

    - The 'points' system is easy, but it really does not help you get educated about calories and macros. You may know that item A has 2 points and item B has 3 points, and so you'll choose item A with WW... but if you know the nutrient content of both items, you might actually choose item B because it has more protein and less carbs. The fact that they hide that info behind a 'points' algorithm is, I think, not helpful.

    - Again with the points system, I think they punish you for things like egg yolks and avocado and things with healthy fat in them. WW is all about low-fat, but after doing my own research, I don't think that is a good way to go. Lower your carbs, sure, but don't skimp on the fat. It's important, and dietary fat does not make you fat!

    - Fake foods. Pretty much I HATE that they push all the fake food, like their low-points treats and artificial sweeteners and stuff. Not only is it gross, but even if you can tolerate it, that stuff is NOT good for you! WW says they're all about teaching moderation, but they're really not.... they're all about substituting real food with fake food, just to lower the fat and calorie content.

    - Free fruits and veggies. I know, everybody loves this... and I understand the reason why they implemented it, because of a meeting I was at once where a woman said she would choose a mini snickers for 1 point over a banana for 2 points. They're trying to break that mentality and get you to eat more fruits and veggies... but the bottom line is that you NEED to learn that for yourself, because calories in STILL needs to equal calories out. Fruits and veggies are not 'free' foods in the real world of calorie counting, and if you're picking a snickers for less calories, you're severely under-educated about nutrition. They're not helping that by just making them 'free'.

    - The focus on the weight. I know, weight is the whole thing... but when you're like me and you got stuck at a plateau at 5'4" and 132lbs, why didn't someone at WW tell me that I actually didn't need to lose any more, I just needed to start strength training to build muscle? Oh, because that's not the point. The point is to eat as low calories as possible, using all the fake foods you can get your hands on, and cardio-ing yourself to death just to achieve the number.

    - Going off of that point, I don't think WW is a recipe for long-term success. The lack of focus on building muscle, along with the lack of focus on overall nutrition that's hidden behind the 'points', I think causes people to easily gain the weight back if they simply continue to follow the points system. I only know of one person ever who was successful with reaching their goal on WW, and is still maintaining after 5 years—and what did she do differently? Oh, bingo—she focused her exercise on strength training. Did she learn that from WW? No, she got a trainer at a gym who told her, and a doctor who told her.

    Anyway, I could go on..... but basically, you can get more out of using MFP and educating yourself about nutrition and body composition. You'll also be more successful in the long-term. And with more $$ in your pocket.