cnn article - cardio helps lose weight faster

its a somewhat nuanced article, as they report results that do not fully support their conclusion, but I thought it may be interesting to some. I'm going to continue cardio and strength together.


  • iommi4
    iommi4 Posts: 20
    they do not include what their eating habits consists of. i believe cardio and strength training go hand in hand. if you want to run more effectively and better yourself, doing cross training on your lower body helps your workout more effectively. people should always incorporate some sort of weight training whether its with free weights or machines. i always find new things to do when i work out. if you do the same type of workouts every week , after a while you will not your body will get used to it and you will not loss weight or get stronger.
  • jeannetteglime
    jeannetteglime Posts: 10 Member
    Weights are key in fat loss!!!!! Cardio is great for heart health, however if you want to lose fat and boost your metabolism you have to build muscle!! You may lose pounds with cardio but consider you will be losing valuable muscle as well. Look at the people on the cardio equipment at the gym = fat. Look at the people in the weight room = ripped. Do you need more evidence than that?!?!? Weights wont do it all - one must consider a healthy eating plan as well as HIIT training. Im a huge fan of Tabata drills: 20 seconds maximum effort (burpies, hight knees, mountain climbers, squat jumps) 10 seconds rest, repeatedly for 4 mins strait. Longest 4 minutes of your life but worth it!

    Jeannette NASM CPT
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I try to do 3 days cardio (cycling, 10 miles) with 2 days strength (pilates and arms only). I get enough exercise on my legs riding the bike, pilates takes care of hips. I also add 2.5 miles of bike with dog 3 times a week, but thats a lower speed.

    2 days rest.