weekend away :) how do you cope?

So i am for london this wkd :) just wondered how yous manage when away. I am obviously going to enjoy myself and not worry too much but have you any tips. We will probably be walking loads but i do enjoy my wine :o and beer :o and like to try new foods when away. I might try and drink vodka and diet lemonade to see if that help any.


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Instead of having 3 glass, have one. Instead of ordering the fish and chips, order something less greasy (even if you REALLY want the fish and chips). I think we all know what we SHOULD eat - do that.

    The walking will help more than you know - if you stay in a hotel with a gym, do 30 minutes on the elliptical before you start your day. Instead of eating all the cookie, share it with your travel companion...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't worry about it too much when I'm on vacation...I just try to not go overboard. If it's just the weekend, there's not a whole lot of damage you're going to be able to do. Just to gain 1 Lb of fat over those two days would require eating 1,750 calories over your TDEE for each of those two days. I don't know what your TDEE is, but mine is 2,577...that would mean I would need to consume 4,327 net calories each day just to gain 1 Lb. I'm currently at 20% of my TDEE to lose weight which would mean I would need to consume a whopping 2,250 calories more per day than I do currently...again, that's just to gain 1 Lb of actual fat in 2 days.

    The bigger issue I have when on vacation is salt and water retention. Restaurant food is generally loaded with sodium and it is far more than I usually consume and I will retain water. It's not uncommon for me to come home from a weekend retreat a couple of pounds heavier on the scale, but it's all water and is gone after a few days of clean eating...I'll reitterate, it's all water, not fat.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I spend many weekends away. It's tough.
    Sometimes I'm strong and make all the right decisions. Sometimes I'm in a restaurant that serves something very special I know I won't see again soon and I can't resist.

    Do the best you can and remember that it's only 2 days out of that week and if you look at your average intake, a couple of less than stellar days aren't going to kill you efforts.