ZUMBA !!!!!!!!

oK........answers on a postcard please ha ha...........what do you all use to count Zumba cals ? mfp has no Zumba category..........do we say Areobics ?

Love and less calories. Lyn x


  • Mfountas
    You can find it on livestrong.com...a hour zumba class you can burn 800-1200 cals *they say*. I burn 830 / hour wearing my polar hrm.
  • melaniestrawboone
    Yes, I do use aerobics, either low impact or high impact, depending on the intensity of the class. Personally, I think most Zumba classes are pretty low impact. The numbers fitness pal gives me for an hour of aerobics is not anywhere close to 800-1200, so I would be hesitant to rely on that if you're looking for weight loss.