Finding the time to exercise.. Single Mum works Full time



  • Wende3
    Wende3 Posts: 41
    I work full-time and am a single mom of 3 boys. I get up at 5am to workout. That's the only time that I can do it consistently because, as you know, evenings can get a little hectic and I just don't have the focus or energy for a workout in the evening. I workout 5-6 days/week.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Stand up.
    sit down.

    Now do that 100 times. Congratulations, you've exercised.

    Seriously - do what you can in the time you have.

    Here's a link for a full bodyweight workout. If you don't have time to do this, then you aren't ready to lose weight.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm a single mom to two kids. I work 50+ a week, and my commute is about 1 hr per day.
    I decided the best way (for me) to work out, is to incorporate my kids into it. We do taekwondo together, my daughters class is right before the class my son and I take together. It's not only been a GREAT workout, it also has been a great social experience, and it's much better than getting home and sitting on our butts watching TV every night :)
    Also, if it's been a particularly stressful week, I'll go on Weds nights, and the Friday nights I don't have my kids.

    This is an excellent idea!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    First of all - I don't know how you single moms do it, you're all saints as far as I'm concerned!

    I'm a full time working mom of two and my workout time is when the kids are asleep. Since I can't be motivated to do much of anything once I get them in bed, I wake up EARLY (this morning was 4:05 am) and exercise and get ready before I go wake them up and get them ready. It takes some adjusting, but once you get used to it, it's totally fine. It helps that I have enough at home for me to work with to get a good workout in.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I'm a single mom of 2, I work full time with on call support and I go to school full time. I have a house yard and animals that all need to get taken care of. I have set my priorities in order to take care of them and working out is part of it.

    I workout whenever I can find time, walks at lunch, gym at lunch, commute to work by bike, 15 minutes session multiple times a day.

    1 plan all my meals and cook on Sunday when I have more time. Then all week it just heat and server with salad on the side (pre cut veggies)

    I record whatever shows I want to watch in the week and watch them on Sunday while doing laundry or cooking my meals.

    You can do it, you just need to find a way to make it work for you. Be creative.
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Either skip the TV time or workout while you watch TV I usually will put a workout video on my laptop and put that in front of the TV and do the video while I watch TV.


    I've done my one workout video enough times I have it memorized so I made myself a strength training prgoram that I do while watching TV, best part is, if I absolutely positively MUST stop mid-workout, I can and I can just pick it back up after a minute or two, not the end of the world. When I run on the treadmill in the morning, well, I am NOT stopping mid-workout unless it is an emergency!
  • angelz_love
    angelz_love Posts: 36 Member
    In additon to the other sugesstions, I used to do one leg stands while cleaning ( kinda like standing leg splits. That worked my legs and bum. Then, I would do poses while I was on the floor mopping ( balance on one knee and one hand while one leg was straight and thee other hand was scrubing. Do sit ups for 2 min a day while playing with them, Do squats while cleaning up. it looks a lkittle silly but hey you GOT to get creative when yo are a single mom caue you cant always leave the house to go for a run if you want. I had to wait ntil my son was 6 before i felt ok going to run the dogs around the block in the am ( a 5 min run) while he slept. Push ups and planks are great 1 min excersizes you can drop and do through out the day.
    If you want it bad enough, you'll find the time!
  • lkherna
    lkherna Posts: 15 Member
    Make a list of quick ways to burn 100 calories (i.e. 10 mins of jumping jacks)... then if all else fails you can just do something from the list and get some kind of workout in!
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    Dr. H. On the biggest loser said best, "If you had Cancer would you find the time for radiation?" yes? Then why not find the time to treat this disease?
  • r5wr
    r5wr Posts: 203 Member
    I'm not a mom but I'm a full time college student who works full time as well. I'm doing the 30 day shred. It's about 25 mins, you do it at home and its intense with great results. You should look into it, its perfect for the busy bee with still getting results. Search it in the forums here , especially the success stories, and be amazed!. Oh and a lot of moms has told me their little ones enjoy doing it with them, they find it fun so that's an option too :)
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I'm a single mom to two young crazy boys, I work full time with a bunch of preschoolers and I make time to work out. Yes sometimes I can't make it to the gym so we go for walks or I do some form or workout in my apartment. If you are committed you will MAKE time. Stop making excuses and get on it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Either skip the TV time or workout while you watch TV I usually will put a workout video on my laptop and put that in front of the TV and do the video while I watch TV.


    I've done my one workout video enough times I have it memorized so I made myself a strength training prgoram that I do while watching TV, best part is, if I absolutely positively MUST stop mid-workout, I can and I can just pick it back up after a minute or two, not the end of the world. When I run on the treadmill in the morning, well, I am NOT stopping mid-workout unless it is an emergency!

    Agreed! I do exercise while looking at my TV programs. It works. Like others have said, if you are determined, you will figure something out. Where there's a will, there's a way.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm a single mom to two young crazy boys, I work full time with a bunch of preschoolers and I make time to work out. Yes sometimes I can't make it to the gym so we go for walks or I do some form or workout in my apartment. If you are committed you will MAKE time. Stop making excuses and get on it.

    ^ What she said. Absolutely. You have the ability to take control of the situation. Enough with the excuses. You can make it work if you want to.

    Aside from LittleMiss - I have several other single parents - both women and men on my MFP FL. Some with 2 or more kids - and they are still able to log, eat a bit healthier, and get in their workouts .

    Probably because they understand that excuses are just excuses and that what they are doing isn't just a "hobby" they are trying to fit into their day.

    It is a lifestyle change. They also know that this lifestyle change will trickle down to their kids and as they learn new, good habits - so are their children.
  • gorgeousness999
    gorgeousness999 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks all - you know what, that was supportive and also a reality check - kick up the but* that I needed. The excuses part is TRUE. I am going to get creative. The thing is, I've never thought doing a dvd at home actually works - but sounds like it is working for lots of you. Its so much easier in the summer as me and lil one (age 8) are very active and go out together alot - either on walks, bikes or run around the park. He likes being my "coach" :-) but its winter time and we kinda hybernate once we are home from work and school. But ok, thanks for the motivation, I will try it............... watch this space :-) xx
  • NattieJoan
    You take your child on a bike ride or swimming, fun exercise you guys can do together (:
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    Not exactly replying to the thread, but I am FT working mum with two small kids, I have a husband but the main duties are on my shoulders.
    I found that giving up sleep for exercising does not work for me – lack of sleep makes me a zombie, a very hungry zombie indeed. As a consequence it is much more difficult to control my hunger. I’d rather sleep longer and have less calories to eat.
    When the weather will be a bit nicer, my plan is to go jogging for 15-30 mins after husband comes back from work, in early evening.
    But no sacrificing my precious sleep in any case.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    If I am working in the day i workout after the kids have gone to bed. i have a home gym so this is easier for me. i am not a single parent but my husband is not the most supportive so i do everything for the kids, homework, bath bed etc. Sometimes I really don,t want to go in the gym after getting them to bed but I push myself and feel Ok once I have started.
  • nachodman
    nachodman Posts: 29 Member
    The suggestions for working out during your time wiht the tele are great! I must also agree that when something is important, really important, WE MAKE TIME. Take work for example, we may not like the hours, the work itself, but we go! Why? We have to and it's IMPORTANT! Well, while work may put a roof over one's head and clothes on their back and food on the table, exercise will allow you to enjoy the years you have on this earth. Dr. Stephen Covey advises that we should 'schedule our priorities,NOT prioritize our schedule."
    I have to say I admire anyone who can work full time, raise children alone (without a spouse) and still finds the time to set the example for their children to live a healthy life. The one thing to consider too is that your child will grow up and learn from what you do with him/her as well. So why not engage the little one in some activity? A walk together in the park? A workout video together? Just some son sees me bike and wants to as well, when the weather is warm we swim laps and make it a competetion...All the best of luck, keep your head up and stay the course.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Is it mandatory that you sit down? I know someone who "HAD" to stand up for her job because she had a bad back. She had her desk altered to bar height, a stool, but stood up most of the time. sHe was a tax accountant and was able to get more & better work completed becuase her blood was flowing.