Returning again

Hi Just thought I would say a quick hello back on my diet/healthy lifestyle.

Today is my first real day and its been a tough one. Beating the initial sugar cravings are the worst but I know that as soon as I get through the first few days I will be fine. Also being at home today due to study leave is rough as when I get bored or procrastinate I tend to eat. Im still taking sweeteners in my tea as I think I will have a complete melt down if I don't have some sort of treat. but over the weekend I plan to switch over to herbal tea to cut out the dairy.

Lacking motivation for excercise at the moment as im feeling the biggest I have been in a long time but hopefully looking to go on a few nice long walks over the next couple of weeks then I may brave digging out the swim suit!

Sorry for rambling on but Im trying to keep upbeat about it while im in a good frame of mind.

Good luck to you all

Z x


  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    We have some things in common: sugar addiction, returning to MFP, emotional or bored eating, motivation to get in the gym.

    My biggest issue - the one that made me quit MFP the first time in a shameful fit of dispair - is eating office candy compulsively. I need help, but I can offer help too.

    Check out my profile and add me if you wish.
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    The thing that makes me stop using this site and others is adding to my food diary when I know Ive pigged out or consumed way too much but I know that this is why I need a food diary to keep me on track.

    My sugar addiction is often out of control! I try and keep it in check by promising myself a treat at the end of the day such as a nice cup of low calorie hot choc..... firstly the low calorie hot choc I get absolutely tastes like crap but I get the little choc/sugar fix I carve!

    Dodging the chocs an biscuits at work is pure torture! In my line of work its almost impossible not to have a box of 'goodies' round the Nursing station. I pray for the day someone brings a basket of fruit to say thank you rather than Cadburys Milk tray or such like!

    Would very much appreciate friends and support!

    Z x