Division of calories

LiesaP Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Apologies upfront if this has been asked before....I did check through some of the older posts, but there's so many!

I wonder how many of you split your calories into meals..?

For example, if you daily intake was 1500 cals; do you split it -
300 breakfast
300 lunch
300 snacks
600 dinner

Do you find that this is beneficial to you and helps you keep track of calorie intake?



  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    230 breakfast
    200 snacks
    250 lunch
    350 dinner
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Most of what I have heard on here is to split up your calories throughout the day. I do it differently. I tend to have lower calorie meals for lunch and breakfast and a higher count dinner. I am a teacher. I am at work by 7:30, so breakfast is always rushed. I only have 17 minutes for lunch. I figure, if I don't have the time to enjoy it, why waste the extra calories. I also make sure that there is room for snacks, in case I am having a particulary hard day. It has worked for me so far. The other thing that you might hear is that you should be having 5 small meals a day. I hear that works well too.
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    Ieat pretty much ALL day. I few calories here and there, my breakfast, lunch, and dinner aren't usually a lot. I am never hungry though, and usually come in under my calories and make myself eat something else. Take a look at my diary if you want. This works for me but know it won't for everyone.
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    I try to make all my meals about the same and my snacks at about 100 calories.

    My normal day is 1200 calories + 260 calories from exercise. So that makes my total 1460 calories.

    Breakfast - 400
    Snack - 100
    Lunch - 400
    Snack - 100
    Dinner - 400

    60 calories left over.

    Most days though my meals only end up at about 350. This gives me a little extra wiggle room or it leaves me under my calories goal. Either way is good to me. :smile:
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