Compulsive eaters?

Looking for friends who currently or used to struggle with compulsive/binge eating.

(Please be gentle with the responses, as I'm about to be way more open than I'm usually comfortable with... Also, I'm not the best writer, so I apologize if it sounds really jumbled.)

I've had this problem as far back as I can remember and it's miserable.
When I was a kid, my grandma would have a pantry full of sweets ready whenever me and my brother visited, and it would be gone by the time we left (mostly my doing u_u). We would have Mcdonalds as least every other day. Stuff like that. Plus, this was all around the time my parents got divorced, so maybe I made some kind of mental connection to food as being a source of comfort, I dunno. I have taken a big step recently and have began talking to my counselor about it. But it's still a hard habit to kick.

Even now, I'll catch myself wandering through the grocery store several times a week; I know I really don't want anything, but I have this unshakable feeling that I have to leave with *something,* and that something usually ends up being a box of donuts or a pint of ice cream. Nothing I buy ever lasts more than an hour. Whatever's within reach, that's the portion size I'm going to eat :( I know I'm going to feel like sh** and hate myself once I'm done, but reminding myself that only helps so much.
Once I get a craving, the thought of *not* having it makes me cranky to the point of snapping at someone. I'm tired of being like this, and I'm finally angry enough at myself to really do something about it! @_@

Sound familiar? Feel free to add me so we can help each other through this!

I'm not trying to be snobby/picky about who I add, and I'm not saying I won't add anyone else, I just really feel like it would help if I had support from people who know where I'm coming from.