Thinking of Re-adjusting Something--any ideas?

It's my first post, be gentle!

So here's a bit on me: I'm 4'10, currently 121 lbs. I'm trying to get down to 110, then 105. I work out 6 days a week with one total rest day, and one active rest day (swimming). I incorporate HIIT cardio with steady cardio, strength training, and floor work (ab work, arm work, leg work, etc.) I also walk to work every day, which is about 86 minutes of walking at 4 mph every day. Add that onto walking to and from the gym which is an extra 20 minutes.

On top of my workout routine, my calorie goal is 1450. Though I don't consider it high at all, I'm just having a hard time meeting that goal every day, which is why I haven't increased it lately. My appetite is fairly small, and I eat huge amounts of fruit and veg to fill the space since I've dropped beef, pork, and lately chicken. I do still eat fish once or twice a week.

As for my weight, it hasn't budged in a while. I was at a steady 1-1.5 lb loss a week, which I was totally fine with! But now that I am working so hard, I feel like my exercise gains aren't being reflected on the scale. I know, I know--DON'T TRUST THE SCALE, I'm probably building up muscle, I should take my measurements instead (which I have), etc. That's all fine, but with 16 lbs to go I suppose I'm just nervous. Any thoughts are always appreciated! Not sure if I should just eat more, or dial back the work outs.

And do feel free to add me, always love new MFP pals :)


  • TurboFitMom
    You may need to increase the amount you are consuming in order to lose more weight. It seems like you are very active and if you are not fueling it with enough food your body will cling to it rather than burn it.
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you :) Yeah, I've decided to just go for it and get myself up to 1500 today, and try to increase that to 1800 over the next few weeks in small increments. I've calculated my BMR, and with my level of activity, it puts me at a recommended intake of around 2100 cals per day. That seems like a huge amount to me!
  • TurboFitMom
    I am nursing and not as active as you and i am supposed to take in around 2000 a day
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    eat more calorie dense foods: nuts, seeds, nut butters, eggs, avocado, healthy oils, full fat dairy
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Yeah, you need to eat more.

    Given your size and weight, you lost weight too fast, now your body has gone and done EVERYTHING it can to preserve itself.

    You should be aiming for 0.5 pounds loss a week. No more.

    Additionally, removing protein from your diet with that sort of exercise was an INCREDINLY bad idea. That alone probably reduced the number of calories you spend in a day by several hundred.
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for all the input and support, everyone! I really appreciate it.

    I've made several changes in the last couple of days, namely upping my intake to 1800, and changing my macros to 60% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbs. Since I'm on the road to becoming vegetarian, I've had to go out and get creative with finding alternative protein sources, but in the end it really isn't so hard :) Cheers!