
kateyb Posts: 138 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok guys, I'm not making excuses, but I'm having a really hard time trying to get a work out in at the moment. I work two jobs right now and so work in excess of 60 hours a week (12 hour days 5 days a week) plus I occasionally work overtime at weekends. I'm out of the house between 8.30am and 9.15/9.30pm every day. My local gym opens at 6.45/7am and closes at 10pm, and I need an hour to get ready for work. The mornings are rammed so even if I get down there the minute it opens I spend more time queuing for the equipment than I do working out. I could manage 30 mins a night after work and occasional time at the weekends. but in the past rationalised that it wasn't worth the cost of the gym membership.

Now I'm on a mission, I've stuck at the healthy eating for 2 months, have started the 30 day shred and want to do C25K (I started on Tuesday but am yet to do day 2!), but don't feel safe running in the dark (which it invariably is at the times I am free to run). As a result I am thinking of renewing my gym membership and giving it another shot.

Now I have the choice of two gyms, one is closer to work (so I could go straight from work when I finish at 9pm) and one is closer to home, which would be more convenient for the weekends. I'd say they're only about 15 miles apart so not too big a distance. They're about the same price a month, and membership conditions are pretty much the same. The only difference is that I would have to pay a new admin and induction fee at the one close to work, whereas I can just renew my membership at the other.

That said the one closer to work has power plates, which I have never used, and the other doesn't. According to the literature Power Plates offer a total body workout and aids weightloss in only 15 minute sessions. Sounds quite good for someone who's limited on time. If I went straight from work I could probably manage a 15 minute session and 25 minutes on the treadmill before the gym closed, which is much more than I would have done just going straight home from work!

So....my question is this. What do you think of the Power Plate. Is it all it's cracked up to be or just another gimmick? I don't mind paying the additional fee if it's going to be beneficial, and in terms of convenience the gym closer to work makes more sense to me. Then again It doesn't make sense for me to pay a fee that I don't need to, if there is no benefit other than being closer at the time that I am most likely to go.

Your thoughts would be most appreciated x


  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I am not familar with powerplates so I can't comment on that. I just workout at home or go to the fitness center at my church.

    On which gym - go with the one that you would use the most and that is most convenient so that you will use the membership. If the location is not convenient, you may talk yourself out of going. You may also want to ask the one closest to work if they will waive or reduce the initial fees. Tell them you are considered a few options and they may waive the fees for the fact that they will be getting the monthly fee.

    Would you have to wait for equipment at the new gym? All things to consider.
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