Free foods



  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I did get the low carb ones, so very low sugar, high fiber and protein. My problem for breakfast is that I don't have time to make something, so it is either drink breakfast or buy a muffin from the coffee cart. Which is NOT an option. Who knew they had so many calories!!! Anyway, I just know that skipping breakfast is definitely bad. This is actually part of why I am so hungry. Before when I skipped breakfast my metabolism wasn't up so I wasn't as hungry. Now that I am starting my eating day earlier I am hungry when it wears off. I am only planning to do the Slim Fast for the first two weeks to kick start this round of diet. It will purge the carb addiction. :)

    Any other ideas for easy, on the go breakfasts???

    Contrary to popular misinformation, it doesn't matter what time of day you eat. The reason breakfast is emphasized is because a lot of people who skip it ARE hungry and end up eating way too much later. I get up at 7:30 but don't get hungry until 10AM or so, so I'll eat something then. Ditch the shakes. Let breakfast be what you want it to be - a sandwich you pack the night before, a handful of nuts and an apple, whatever - but a complex carb and protein combo will keep you full for a lot longer.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Kudos to you for listening to your body. If it's telling you that something's not right, listen to it!

    Two things to keep in mind:
    1. not all calories are created equal
    2. not every person's metabolism works the same way

    If you're hungry all the time, try eating more protein calories and fewer carbohydrate calories. Protein takes longer to process and provides longer-lasting energy, as opposed to carbs which are processed and burned more quickly.

    Some people's metabolisms are more efficient than others. Ever notice that some people can eat whatever they want, never exercise and still stay skinny? While others do everything "right" and still can't lose weight? Part of that is just genetics: we all evolved in different environments. So don't get discouraged if you try something that worked for someone else and it doesn't work for you. That doesn't make you a failure, it just makes you different: you just haven't tried the right thing for you yet.

    If you're hungry a lot, your metabolism may not be very efficient, so you need to eat more often. Some people can fast all day and just have one big meal in the evening. But personally, I've discovered that I need to spread out my calories and eat at least every 3 hours or I get cranky and hungry.

    Good luck to you!
  • TheNEWMonicaB
    TheNEWMonicaB Posts: 129 Member
    Natural peanut or almond butter with jam or jelly on a sandwich thin and a glass of milk or almond milk... I have that a lot of mornings and I can make a few sandwiches at a time so they are in the fridge ready to go. Then I measure out my milk in a to-go mug the night before so it is ready to grab out of the fridge in the morning. The fiber from the sandwich thin, the protein in the peanut butter, and the sugar in the jam, along with the milk are a great breakfast and will keep you full for a while. Lots of options other than the shakes.
  • jo1032
    jo1032 Posts: 1
    Totally agree - I have had some lovely filling meals rather than the shakes which just seem to start my hunger off. Oat-so-simple for breakfast or Cuppa Soups for lunch with crackers all add up to the same calories but are far more satisfying. Good luck
  • That goes against everything I have ever heard from professionals. If you eat a breakfast you get your metabolism kick started in the morning so it can burn more calories all day long. You should be eating a larger breakfast, a medium lunch and a smaller dinner because you don't burn many calories when you are sleeping.

    Don't get me wrong, I have the hardest time eating breakfast especially when I'm so busy getting the kids out the door, but you really shouldn't skip it.

    As for the shakes, I say use them as a snack replacement not a meal replacement.

    As for no time: Pop two slices of whole wheat bread into the toaster while you are getting ready, swipe some all-natural (no salt) peanut butter on the slices and eat it on the go. Or, prepare something the night before, like a cup of greek yogurt into a portable cup with some granola so you can grab it and go. Even easier: keep a box of plain oatmeal packets and some bowls/spoons at your desk. Simply pour hot water over it (from the coffee pot) and presto breakfast at your desk. It's takes a little planning but it can be done! (0=
    I did get the low carb ones, so very low sugar, high fiber and protein. My problem for breakfast is that I don't have time to make something, so it is either drink breakfast or buy a muffin from the coffee cart. Which is NOT an option. Who knew they had so many calories!!! Anyway, I just know that skipping breakfast is definitely bad. This is actually part of why I am so hungry. Before when I skipped breakfast my metabolism wasn't up so I wasn't as hungry. Now that I am starting my eating day earlier I am hungry when it wears off. I am only planning to do the Slim Fast for the first two weeks to kick start this round of diet. It will purge the carb addiction. :)

    Any other ideas for easy, on the go breakfasts???

    Let me start off by saying that there is nothing wrong with breakfast; I eat breakfast. But you do not need breakfast. Many people on this site do not eat breakfast, and start eating around noon or 1. They can have larger lunches and dinners this way. Maybe that would work for you.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Free food to me is sugarfree jello, cucumbers, dill pickles and most vegetables. I never consider potatoes or corn (starchy veggies) to be "free".
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I lost 60 lbs on slimfast a long time ago then I met my husband and he convinced me to stop, now I have gained 90lbs since then, so I am back on it but I eat some veggies and drink my water and very seldom am I hungry
    Your experience proves what people are saying.
    Once you get off the shakes, the weight piles on.
    Try doing it right; follow MFP recommendations for safe, steady and LASTING results.
    Don't make the same mistake twice.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Probably because you aren't feeding yourself properly. Slimfast was never a favorite of mine, but I can't imagine having a 200 calorie shake and expecting to be satisfied. Especially at lunch. I would discontinue this program, personally, and explore other options. If you're determined to stick to it, there is no "free food" technically. All food has calories, but if you're struggling with feeling food try eating snacks that have a lot of volume, like salad or brown rice. 100 cals of salad will take up more space in your stomach than 100 cals of yogurt.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Eat filling foods like oatmeal, lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, protein, cheeses like cottage cheese or have some string cheese etc. Foods high in fiber and protein fill you up and keep you feeling fuller longer. Ditch those shakes. You can't keep drinking them forever. You need something more sustainable.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    You are Hangry. It's cause you're not eating food. Like all the others have said, pick a calorie goal on here, and eat real food that fits in with your calories goals and macros.

    Some shakes are fine, but typically as snacks or as post-work out protein boosts. For breakfast/lunch/dinner - eat some food - real food, that's lean and high in protein.

    Slimfast is a diet, not a lifestyle change. MFP is set up to be a lifestyle change. Most people gain weight back after they diet, but not if they make a lifestyle change.

    Please don't continue being Hangry.
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    dont eat breakfast, forget the snacks, trash the shakes, eat real food, eat 2 good sized meals (lunch and dinner) or just 1 big meal
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    let MFP do it for you. Eat the recomended calories they give you and if your eating enough you will lose the weight without feeling hungary. I'm on 1300 calls a day and I feel great. I bet the shakes are expensive. You will save money if you do it this way.
  • What is your goal? Are in a weight loss contest or trying to lose quickly to fit in a dress for an occassion or something?

    If so, then honestly I'd suggest eating celery. It's probably not on your plan but it's so low calorie that it will not ruin a diet as strict as yours.

    But if your goal isn't short term, I'd suggest finding a diet that is more sustainable. Do you have a plan for when you stop the Slim Fast thing? Or are you planning to just be "done" and go back to eating the way you used to eat?

    I am doing it for 2 weeks to jump start the diet and get off current habits. Then I will start new ones. More healthy ones. Also, I am in a wedding in a month.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    The D-word!!!!

    Slim Fast is yummy but it's full of crap like others have said and it isn't real food. You don't need to "jump start" a diet. Diet should be a way of life, not deprivation. There aren't enough calories in a Slim Fast to make it a real meal. You really need to ask yourself if you could do this every day for the rest of your life. Not just a quick way to get your food in the door.

    You can learn how to cook more things that are just as healthy and have fun doing it! That's the way to get started on your new life!!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member

    Any other ideas for easy, on the go breakfasts???

    My favorite on the go breakfast is slice of toast with one tbsp Adams no stir peanut butter and a banana sliced on top akes two minutes tops to make
  • xiofett
    xiofett Posts: 138 Member
    For a quick and decent breakfast, try one of these. Make it the night before, stick it in the fridge and grab it on the way out the door.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Stay away from Fad diets...

    Even Tommy Lasorda knows it dont work for sustainability...

  • Yeah, I stopped shakes a few years ago. If they work for you and you aren't hungry and are meeting your goals, please continue but if they aren't then use food. I treat shakes like supplements, I only take them if i feel i'm lacking or can't obtain (food).
  • sgoodearl
    sgoodearl Posts: 10 Member
    I am not a breakfast person now, nore have I ever been. I have one Shakology a day for breakfast, but it give's me th nutrients and vitamins I need for the day. The rest of the day i try to eat clean and stay in my calorie range. Which is my goal weight with a zero on the end of it. Example " I want to weight 172 so I only eat 1720 calories a day" and it has been working great. If you are feeling starved all the time its not right for you!
  • My breakfast every other morning.
    Scrap the shakes and go for FOOD! Eating a nice wonderful breakfast (ww english muffin, 1-2 pieces of bacon, 1 full egg and 2 whites, maybe a bit of cheese and 1/2 a grapefruit). I gaurentee that you will feel full longer if you scrap those gross shakes and eat some real food.