_No Dinner Diet_



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm not entirely sure why someone would even consider following a diet plan that eliminates a meal.

    I'm not sure why you would even consider following a "diet" at all.

    You have to do something that is sustainable for a long period of time. I'm in maintenance and trust me the other side sucks too. Learn good habits that you can take with you for a lifetime - not eating dinner isn't one of them. I lost 43 pounds by eating every 2-3 hours. Changing what I ate and how much I ate and moving more. That's it. That's the secret.

    Eliminating a meal isn't uncommon or troublesome- lots of people are very successful with IF. But the deal is that you still consume all your calories, you just do it with bigger meals. Also, skipping dinner is weird, and almost everyone that does IF skips breakfast. But, in theory if you ate all your calories during breakfast and lunch it would be fine. But, dinner is people's "coming together" meal, where families meet, friends reconnect, etc. It's hard for me to picture eliminating it permanently.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Seriously... eat when you're hungry. If you're hungry after the gym, get some food in your system. Just be smart about it. Don't go to McDonald's and get a triple fried chicken sandwich or something.

    And as far as eliminating meat, you don't HAVE to. You just have to learn how to prepare them in a way you like. In time after you get rid of the fried foods you won't crave them or like them as much. If you want to eat fried chicken though, do it, just make sure it fits in your calories/macro's. But seriously, you should just try grilling chicken with some spices, marinade it over night in a couple tbs. of teriyaki maybe. Try something like Ahi Tuna, you have to try and keep trying if you really want to lose weight. If you rather just cut out meat, then get some kind of protein in like tempeh or black beans and careful on how much soy you consume, there is a thing as too much soy.

    Diet is just another word for setting yourself up. You go on one, you'll come off one. You stop eating dinner, your body adjusts to only 2 meals a day, then you decide you hit your goal weight, yay I can eat fried chicken dinners again, and boom, you'll gain it right back. You should educate yourself on nutrition and food and develop a healthy relationship and make a lifestyle change. I have seen a lot of people on here lose weight, and they still can enjoy bacon or donuts as a treat here and there.
  • djenah79
    When is the last time you went to bed hungry? Are you trying to cut down on your sleep too?? I cannot sleep if I am hungry. I don't go all out with an all-you-can-eat buffet right before bed, but I have to have something in my stomach. There is never really a good or bad time to eat. Don't force yourself to eat when you are not hungry, and don't deprive yourself when you are.

    The key is you really don't ever want to be HUNGRY - and I mean feeling like you haven't eaten in a week kind of hungry. That is when you will likely binge and consume an inordinate amount of calories. It's also not a good idea to completely cut out foods you enjoy. It's just not realistic. The key is moderation. You like bacon? Have one piece instead of 5. I almost always include a slice of bacon in either my breakfast or my lunch. You like meat? I'm not sure what you mean by unhealthy meat to begin with...but eat a proper serving size and try to make the rest of your meal as healthy as possible. Exercise. You don't have to do p90x or insanity, but include some kind of exercise in your routine every day.

    Honestly if you are just starting out, I would eat like you normally do over the next couple of days and track everything. MFP is a great tool to see what you are eating, where you are getting most of your calories, and where you should cut back. Good Luck!
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    Eliminating a meal isn't uncommon or troublesome- lots of people are very successful with IF. But the deal is that you still consume all your calories, you just do it with bigger meals. Also, skipping dinner is weird, and almost everyone that does IF skips breakfast. But, in theory if you ate all your calories during breakfast and lunch it would be fine. But, dinner is people's "coming together" meal, where families meet, friends reconnect, etc. It's hard for me to picture eliminating it permanently.

    99% of the time that is the case, but my feeding windows is 9am-5pm, on special occasions ill eat later but skipping dinner is much easier than skipping breakfast for me.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I get the opposition to following a "diet"...but am I the only one who's horrified that she thinks you can't lose weight & still eat BACON? WTF...I am crying inside
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm not entirely sure why someone would even consider following a diet plan that eliminates a meal.

    I'm not sure why you would even consider following a "diet" at all.

    You have to do something that is sustainable for a long period of time. I'm in maintenance and trust me the other side sucks too. Learn good habits that you can take with you for a lifetime - not eating dinner isn't one of them. I lost 43 pounds by eating every 2-3 hours. Changing what I ate and how much I ate and moving more. That's it. That's the secret.

    Eliminating a meal isn't uncommon or troublesome- lots of people are very successful with IF. But the deal is that you still consume all your calories, you just do it with bigger meals. Also, skipping dinner is weird, and almost everyone that does IF skips breakfast. But, in theory if you ate all your calories during breakfast and lunch it would be fine. But, dinner is people's "coming together" meal, where families meet, friends reconnect, etc. It's hard for me to picture eliminating it permanently.

    ^That was my concern.

    Also that she said she works out at night and is usually really hungry. It just doesn't seem to fit her lifestyle and doesn't seem sustainable.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    Sigh, another thread where someone asks for advice, then rejects everything that doesn't agree with what they have already got their mind set on.
  • SE_Adams
    I had a piece of sausage this morning. AM I DOOMED??!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member

    i gained my weight with...

    tortilla chips and salsa
    corona beer
    extra hot flaming hot cheetos
    animal style fries from in n out

    those 5 things are responsible for my fatness...

    so, while i could go a life time without bacon and fried chicken, these 5 things will always be on my menu... rarely, and in moderation :(
  • SE_Adams
    Do you even lift?

    I dunno why but this made me LOL
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    i gained my weight with...

    A complete lack of will power to eat things in moderation

    that is responsible for my fatness...

    so, while i could go a life time without bacon and fried chicken, these 5 things will always be on my menu... rarely, and in moderation :(

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm not entirely sure why someone would even consider following a diet plan that eliminates a meal.

    I'm not sure why you would even consider following a "diet" at all.

    You have to do something that is sustainable for a long period of time. I'm in maintenance and trust me the other side sucks too. Learn good habits that you can take with you for a lifetime - not eating dinner isn't one of them. I lost 43 pounds by eating every 2-3 hours. Changing what I ate and how much I ate and moving more. That's it. That's the secret.

    Eliminating a meal isn't uncommon or troublesome- lots of people are very successful with IF. But the deal is that you still consume all your calories, you just do it with bigger meals. Also, skipping dinner is weird, and almost everyone that does IF skips breakfast. But, in theory if you ate all your calories during breakfast and lunch it would be fine. But, dinner is people's "coming together" meal, where families meet, friends reconnect, etc. It's hard for me to picture eliminating it permanently.

    ^That was my concern.

    Also that she said she works out at night and is usually really hungry. It just doesn't seem to fit her lifestyle and doesn't seem sustainable.

    I should add- I find it really challenging to go back and forth from IF when it's convenient. I've been doing no-breakfast for 8 or 9 months, and the few times I've switched back because of a family breakfast or something, it's been a challenge to get back on my schedule. It would not be easy to have a dinner out here and there with friends and then go back to skipping dinner. Your body clock just doesn't adjust to convenience that way. You would have to pretty much eliminate it all the time or you're going to be tortured every night.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member

    i gained my weight with...

    A complete lack of will power to eat things in moderation

    that is responsible for my fatness...

    so, while i could go a life time without bacon and fried chicken, these 5 things will always be on my menu... rarely, and in moderation :(


    hey hey hey... i no longer drink a case of corona, ive gone down to a 12 pack... :)
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Aye yi yi.....

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Can't make temporary changes and expect permanent results. Are you going to skip dinner for the rest of your life? Never enjoy bacon or fried chicken again? BORING! And really not sustainable. :tongue:

    I eat bacon and fried chicken, as well as burgers, pizza, desserts, lattes, alcohol, etc - just not every day. But they fit into my lifestyle and I can do this for the rest of my life, God willing. I also eat after 7pm, sometimes even after 9pm you can find me with a blob of peanut butter and some squares of dark chocolate, happily dipping away. Yet I am near to my goal weight, and am still losing fat and inches, and having to shop for smaller jeans yet AGAIN!

    Eat sensibly, a balanced diet of healthy foods, hitting your goals for protein, carbs, and fats. Need help setting those goals? Brilliant topic right here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
    I follow the advice in that topic, and it has worked beautifully for me. I eat 1800-2000 calories a day, exercise 5 or 6 days a week for less than an hour most days (alternate strength with dumbbells and running), and like I said, I have lost the weight, have some nice muscle showing through, and my body fat percentage is going down.

    Someone else said it - don't make this harder than it is. Truth! Read that thread, find your TDEE and your BMR, and eat in between those numbers. Exercise, move around. Your body will thank you for it by shedding fat. :flowerforyou:

    This is the perfect answer, with logical thought and excellent links. I am also on the road map, I am 54 years old, eat mostly what I want, lift and kickbox, and I am at 1700 - 1800 cals a day. I am also only 1/2 way to my goal. Read the link. Realize that you can do THIS for the rest of your life. If your head is not in the game? You will not succeed. You must change the headset away from "dieting" and depriving yourself. Good luck!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    So, everyone else already said 95% of what I have to say (i.e. "This sounds like a terrible idea).

    HOWEVER, you say you are cutting out meat because you don't like grilled chicken. Have you considered the joys of marinated chicken and stir-fry chicken? Plain grilled chicken is bland. Marinating chicken, or cooking it as part of a stir-fry is both flavorful and healthy.

    Edit: If you like fried chicken, by the way, you can make a decently healthy chicken or turkey breast schnitzel. Just take a thinly-pounded breast (you can ask the meat counter to do this for you), dip it in beaten egg, and then dip in a mix of course breadcrumbs with seasoning. Fry in a vegetable oil like canola.
  • Naconalee
    Did you get that from a pro-ana blog or what? "Yeah lets all skip dinner forever thatll make us thin!"

    There is no need to be mean. One can live quite healthily on 1 or 2 meals per day. Eating all your calories earlier in the day is fine if it's something that can be maintained long term and you still get the proper amount of calories/nutrients.

    THANK YOU! Some people go WAYYYYY TOO FAR with these message boards. I'm just asking for good advice for people who are working to lose weight, and change their eating habits. I don't need negative, mean comments!!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    Captain Mal makes any thread better!! :drinker:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    You can eat dinner at night without worry of your body processing it differently than other meals, but if you have trouble with stopping eating once you are home, you could benefit from putting a limit on it. I wouldn't go without, though. If you do this, I would at least have the protein shake. Either that, or make certain that your dinner plate is half vegetables with some healthy protein and fat, to reduce your likelihood of wanting to keep eating all night. Get enough to eat, feel nourished, and often the overeating will take care of itself.
  • Naconalee
    I joined this site to talk with others about working out and losing weight, not to be BASHED!!!! YOU CANNOT TAKE EVERYTHING THAT IS TYPED IN THESE MESSAGE BOARDS LITERALLY....aka I NEVER SAID if you ate bacon or fried chicken that you couldn't lose weight. That is just something I have chosen to cut out my diet...for MOST OF THE TIME...I'm sure I will splurge and eat bacon for breakfast once in a while on weekends. I have never understood why people choose to blow things completely out of proportion.

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who have gave me heartfelt explinations of what works for them. I truely appreciate that. I am very thankful for the helpful and encourging post b/c that is why I joined this site. Everyone clearly finds the best way for theirselves to lose weight and everyone has different opinions and different ways of doing so.

    Good luck to everyone in their journey to a healthy life!