To those who have lost 100 pounds....

I am 250 and need to get down to 150.

Were the first two weeks hard? And did you see any results the first two weeks?

I'm wondering at what point do you start to see/feel results...

I just started on January 1st to try to lose weight. I'm trying to lose weight to join the guard/reserves and police academy in the near future.

I'm doing the elliptical six times a week. As for food, I am eating mostly raw foods with some whole wheat grains (no dairy or meat for now...). I did notice I am a LOT hungrier eating like this. I'm doing this for the Daniel's Fast which is a religious based fasting for twenty one days. After this, I'd like to convert to the paleo/primal eating lifestyle.

If anyone has advice, or great tips for success please let me know. I'm feeling a bit discouraged because I have not lost any weight and don't feel much different.

I'm just wondering if anyone felt the same way the first few weeks, and how they managed to get over that sluggish hump..thanks : )


  • Mytime_73
    Well im not new here and i do owe most of the credit to this site. Two years ago i loss 100+ lbs and only gained about 25lbs back and yes first starting out was very hard because i wasnt used to eating such a small amount of calories but in due time it got much easier. Look at it one day at a time and you will achieve.. Hope i was able to help.
  • EstiloPanama
    That's amazing. Thanks for sharing that. I was having kind of a down of those days you feel low and not so great about yourself. Thanks for your advice. I'll do one day at a time. Sometimes looking at the whole picture can seem kind of intimidating..
  • Mytime_73
    We all have our ups and downs, some being worse than others, I never had anyone tell me i was overweight until i saw a picture of myself. That changed my outlook on life. It took us a long amount of time to gain our weight so rushing to take it off the right way only leads to gaining most of it back. We are gonna kick this in the butt!!!
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I started seeing results right away and it wasn't hard, but we're all different. I think maybe it's harder for you because you've totally changed how you're eating with the Daniel's Fast. Give it a couple of weeks and your body should adjust, and then you'll have fun adding back in the things you're missing when you go paleo/primal.
  • smilesalot1969
    I've lost 135lbs altogether and almost halved my body weight. i lost the bulk of my weight 8 years ago and only recently lost the last 42lbs. I didnt exercise the first time but i'd had such a huge shock as to how big i was so i was SO determined and gung ho and lost 14lbs in the first 2 weeks. it slowed after but remained pretty steady although i had the odd week with no weight loss. this last 42lb has been harder, im older for one thing but i exercised hard too. i recently reset my goal and now have another 12lbs to go and im struggling a bit but im determined
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I found it to be easy. Just have fun and preplan the foods you like. Don't turn into a food zombies because you give up donuts you'll end up going on a binge down the road with them. If your not happy while losing weigh then your doing it wrong. Its a life style change not a job. The ones that treat it like a job end up gaining all the weight back and come back crying that "They can't believe it all came back and I don't know why". Have fun its a fun journey maybe you'll have a couple interesting stories to share the best thing is to just smile and pre-plan your eating for a couple weeks till you get into a good groove.
  • tonam2
    tonam2 Posts: 5
    It takes 4 Weeks for you to notice your body chaning 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give it 12 weeks. Don't Quit.
  • Wendy__D
    Wendy__D Posts: 51 Member
    Well, I haven't lose 100 lbs but I did once lose 95. I would say this: Sure the first couple weeks are hard. And randomly some days are harder than others for... well probably life. But I don't know if the first two weeks are the hardest. There's a lot of great motivation in the beginning for some people and for other people it takes longer to build up to or other's it wears off quicker and they just have to push themselves. I'd say the hardness right now might be because of the Daniel fast especially, but look at that for being part of your faith walk more than a diet plan. The lifestyle you want to follow after the fast should be one you could see maintaining the rest of your life. It won't necessarily be "easy" but you should look for something that's healthy and maintainable for you.

    Hope that helps!
  • ChunkiChica
    I haven't lost quite 100 lbs yet, but my goal is VERY similar to yours. I started at 246.5lbs, and my goal weight is 150. I weighed in at 218.5lbs this morning, and I am five pants sizes smaller than when I started. I didn't do anything crazy to spur the weight loss. In fact, I started by just logging calories. Every calorie. That was A LOT of calories. I started losing within the first couple weeks, but I would get migraines and hunger headaches from not eating as much. It took a good couple months before all the hunger pangs went away, and a couple more months before I really got a majority of my binge eating under control. It's not easy because you have to keep on going. Remember, it didn't take you two weeks to put on the weight - you won't lose it all in two weeks!