Hi All, New Here

I am a 43 year old mother of 4 ages 8, 6 and twins 4. I am in the process of trying to lose 40 lbs. I have been at it for the last 2 weeks. Dumb question probably, but going to ask it anyway. So I've been counting my calories on MFP and I put in for 1300 calories a day eating good stuff and including a nutribullet blend for breakfast and a shakeology shake with fruit and milk for snacks. One of my questions is that it says I've earned the calories that I burned so it adds it back into my daily calories, is that the way it should be or do I go by just the calories and not add back in the burned ones? I guess I thought the idea was to stick to your diet as is and not count the burned calories back in, in order to lose weight? I have been drinking 6-10 glasses of water a day. Cardio elliptical 4 times a week (total body interval 2 times a week - 5 min intervals, regular HIIT - 2 minute intervals 2x a week) stationery bike 4 xs a week, 20 to 30 minutes hill program level 5. 3 days a week I do an abs workout off of fitnessblender.com 10 minutes and stretching workout (which I think I might do everyday because wow does it feel good!). I do have a cheat meal on the weekend (usually eggplant rollatini and linguine that I order in YUM! on a good day I could not finish the portion they give you) on Saturday. Also, Friday night and Saturday hubby and I like to have some wine and I have not given up my coffee (with fat free half and half and stevia) everyday. I also work out longer on Saturday (did an hour and half vs the usual hour, to compensate for cheat meal and wine). Problem is the last few weeks I have not lost any weight as I hoped. Is there anything wrong with what I'm doing or does it just take awhile to kick in?


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Don't overdo the exercise, quality not quantity. After about one hour stress hormones can kick in which encourage fat to be held and muscle burned, also you can't work at true high intensity for that length of time, so you won't be getting the afterburn of HIIT. Most people cannot work out intensively more than about four times a week, other days should be rest or active recovery such as your 10,000 steps spread out through the day. Instead of all that cardio do some high intensity strength training to maintain or build muscle mass and hence maintain or increase the metabolism.

    If you are using a gym try some classes for technique and to be really pushed - BodyPump, Boxercise, circuits, conditioning. Assuming you are healthy, expect to be intermittently gasping for air, muscles screaming, total jelly legs at the end, some soreness or leaden muscles the next day or day after. Imagine someone had a gun to your head or even your children's head, how much harder could you really work during the intervals?

    If you want to stretch daily be sure to warm up first for safety/ do this right after your workout or a hot bath. If you like the effects of static stretching you might appreciate self myofascial release, basically self massage with a foam roller or a ball. It can be painful but amazing at relaxing trigger points/ knots, hits the tight spots static stretching simply cannot reach.

    Calories wise you need to net at least above your basal metabolic rate, the amount of calories you would need even if in a coma just to keep everything functioning. Aim to cut no more than 500 calories a day off your TDEE (total energy expenditure) this can come from diet OR exercise OR half and half (250/ 250). If you cut too much you either end up with too few nutrients for health and recovery or telling your body there is a famine so it starts trying to save calories. 'Cheat' foods and drinks you can either eat right every day and just have whatever you want one evening a week OR you can have 10% of daily calories and have a little something every day. Some people find too much sugar even from fruit or alcohol sets them back and choose one or the other, others seem to find they can have them within their calorie intake and still loose steadily.
  • Try Freedieting.com, it will tell you the calories you'll need to maintain your weight plus it has weight gain or weight loss. Also there is eatthismuch.com that will let you customize your meal plan but it will throw it together for you so you meet your cal/fat/carb/protein intake you need...if you would like there is a youtube chance called campbellfitnesstv that has a lot of great information.