ALoha Everyone!

Aloha All! I found out last year that I had hypothyroidism. Which meant that no matter how much I exercised or how much I watched what I ate, I couldn't lose any weight. So, I mention this only to those of you who feel this could be a possibility. Some symptoms are frequent urination, dry itchy skin, thinning hair, low-iron count, brittle finger and toe nails and CRAVINGS galore! So, if you feel any of this, which could be caused by other things as well... It doesn't hurt to at least get it checked out.

So now that I have been on thyroid medicine, I'm trying to get back to a healthy weight. This week, I am doing a clense. I'm only doing this to help with my major cravings and clean my colon. After the clense...I want to be serious about this weight "thing" The thing is, I sometimes don't have the best disipline. I could use any encouraging words and advice!

Mahalos everyone and I hope to get to know everyone. I'm hoping we could all help each other out!! :happy:


  • elementzdesigns
    Aloha All! I found out last year that I had hypothyroidism. Which meant that no matter how much I exercised or how much I watched what I ate, I couldn't lose any weight. So, I mention this only to those of you who feel this could be a possibility. Some symptoms are frequent urination, dry itchy skin, thinning hair, low-iron count, brittle finger and toe nails and CRAVINGS galore! So, if you feel any of this, which could be caused by other things as well... It doesn't hurt to at least get it checked out.

    So now that I have been on thyroid medicine, I'm trying to get back to a healthy weight. This week, I am doing a clense. I'm only doing this to help with my major cravings and clean my colon. After the clense...I want to be serious about this weight "thing" The thing is, I sometimes don't have the best disipline. I could use any encouraging words and advice!

    Mahalos everyone and I hope to get to know everyone. I'm hoping we could all help each other out!! :happy:
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Welcome aboard.

    That's good advice to pass on to everyone particularly to those of us who haven't been to a doctor in awhile and probably need a good physical to determine their real health situaiton.

    You'll find this site has a lot to offer and many opportunities for you to help others.

  • elementzdesigns
    Thanks Bob. Also, I suggest a saliva test rather than a blood test. it's more accurate. We all need to make sure to get a physical before starting any diet plan! I was so depressed and confused when I couldn't lose weight. seeing a doctor and getting boold/saliva work done answered a lot of questions! Hope you're having a great day!

  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Good luck lynn.
  • elementzdesigns
    Much Mahalos!