Introducing myself

fineat40 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hello everyone-looking forward to finally doing this! :bigsmile:


  • Hi everyone - just got going today. Downloaded app for my iphone and feeling very motivated!
  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck! Add me for support if you want!!
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    Hello everyone!! This is my first time on message boards!! Wanting to get an Iphone to download app so I can stay on top of my calories. So excited to be on this website!! Does anyone know if there is an app for a samsung jack??
  • welcome add me if you need extra support cuz Lord knows I need it..I'm looking for friends to keep me encouraged!
  • :happy: Hey Everyone. This is going to be a long journey and I'm excited and nervious...but ready!! wish me luck:laugh:
  • dlatrobe
    dlatrobe Posts: 5
    I just joined last Friday, thanx to a good friend for inviting me ! I love this site. I had just started diabetes meds 4 days earlier and on the same day I joined, i had to start meds for high LDL cholesterol. So I added Sugar & Cholesterol to my tracking. Also i am putting my glucose test results under food notes for the day, along with the time. That way i can print out my daily menus and see how my glucose was affected by it, at least i hope so, haven't tried printing it yet. I will also have it to show the dr. This seemed a little time consuming the first couple days, but is now simple, quick and fun !
  • dlatrobe
    dlatrobe Posts: 5
    i just read ur profile, sounds like me, lol. I have a whole box of ALTS (A Little Too Smalls). GOOD LUCK!
  • I'm new also! Very excited about how easy and knowledgable this program is. Lovin it already! Would love to have some friends. So if your lookin for friends add me
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